Upgrade to Pro 12, render presets are they saved?

Grant_M wrote on 10/27/2012, 3:37 AM

I want to upgrade my software from Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 to Vegas Pro 12.

I have many odd rendering presets which I have created over time.

By upgrading does the software keep custom render settings from old version?

if not,

When I upgrade to Pro12, how can I save these or transfer them into the new version?



Gary James wrote on 10/27/2012, 12:04 PM
In my experience, I've never been able to migrate any of my presets or custom render templates from one version of Vegas to the next. A support request to Sony was answered with a non-answer that did nothing to help. If anyone else has figured this out, I too would really like to know how to do it!
john_dennis wrote on 10/27/2012, 12:50 PM

While it is unlikely the render templates are the same in VMS Platinum HD, (I don't know), once you upgrade to Vegas Pro 12, these threads discuss how you could save and replace your custom render templates for Vegas Pro.



Grant_M wrote on 10/27/2012, 8:28 PM
Thanks John for the links, but looks like I may just have to do them one by one again.
Not a train smash, just tedious.
videoITguy wrote on 10/27/2012, 8:33 PM
All presets and customizing that I do with VegasPro is always documented (usually with screen cap) to keep records of their values. By doing so I have made my library trans-portable to new versions and different installations. Just docu.and live with it as the best you can achieve.
Grant_M wrote on 10/28/2012, 3:48 AM
Good tip making a image library of the presets, thanks.
Peter Riding wrote on 10/28/2012, 5:47 AM
Once you are using Pro versions you can quickly and easily copy render templates, pan & crop, etc between versions and between computers:


Not cheap but a big timesaver compared to doing it manually and you aren't going to risk mistakes. And easier than Sony's Preset Manager.

Vegasaur has lots of other useful features. I use it a lot for screen grabs for stills.
