capturing stills from video

Bob N wrote on 8/17/2012, 5:08 PM
I'm sure readers can tell that I've not used Vegas for a couple of years; I seem to have forgotten everything. My current dilemma, which some might find intriguing, is that I have a video taken on 16mm film in 1957 that was transferred to VHS about 25 years ago, and has now been imported into Vegas.There is a clip where I am on a boat with the girl that I took to the senior prom. We got in touch about 12 years ago and I sent her the clip. She wasn't sure it was her so I'd like to capture a still from the video and import it into Photoshop to compare with the prom photos. How do I capture a still from a video file?


vkmast wrote on 8/17/2012, 6:38 PM
from VMStudio Help
Save the current frame as a file

bill-kranz wrote on 8/21/2012, 2:39 PM
I do this a lot and save mine as .png's. (The other is a .jpg)
.png's are easier on your system resources and there is more you can do edit-wise with them.

Take care,
Bill K.
Richard Jones wrote on 8/22/2012, 4:43 AM
I would recommend setting your Preview quality to Best Full as the capture is apparently made from that screen - - - and I agree about saving as PNG rather than JPEG.

DocSatori wrote on 8/22/2012, 7:02 AM
I just want to confirm what Richard has just said. The setting for the Preview quality influences the size and resolution of the captured still. In fact with certain effects applied, their can be a huge difference in the resulting image.