
JasonATL wrote on 5/5/2012, 6:45 AM
Having several Canon DSLR's and a few very nice EF-mount lenses, I would be tempted by a reasonably-priced, full resolution camera such as this. However, what keeps me from getting too excited is the sensor's size.

I also have a Sony EX1. The EX1 gives me full HD resolution, but is not as good as the DSLR's in low light and I can't get as nice of a "look" out of it as I can with the DSLR's in many cases. When I want to go for a shallow DoF, the DSLR's are my choice. For a deep DoF, highly detailed, very well lit scene, I use my EX1.

I'm just not sure where the BMD cam would fit into this mix. It remains to be seen if it will deliver good low light and low noise performance. If it did, I'd be more likely to consider it, especially since I could use my EF-mount lenses.

The codec also interests me, assuming Vegas can handle it. I suspect that Vegas could use the DNxHD footage, but I've not yet tried editing such footage.

I have tried the DaVinci Lite software and the learning curve was very steep. So steep that I decided it wasn't worth my time right now.
FilmingPhotoGuy wrote on 5/5/2012, 7:47 AM
This clip impressed me a lot.
Laurence wrote on 5/5/2012, 9:31 AM
It has a slightly smaller sensor than a GH2.
PixelStuff wrote on 5/5/2012, 9:42 AM
Vegas should be able to use the DNxHD footage, but you may have to download the Codec from here.

Avid DNxHD Codec

Or specifically from this page v2.3.7 ... until they update it again.
ChipGallo wrote on 5/5/2012, 10:48 AM
John Brawley has some clips shot with a prototype camera on Vimeo too. At that price, you are bringing your own lenses to the party. I want two of these if the production version proves out ...
PixelStuff wrote on 5/5/2012, 3:42 PM
Wouldn't it be nice if Panasonic decided to up the game when they release the GH3 and add some of the pro features included in the BMD camera, but at the $1,000 price bracket.
MUTTLEY wrote on 5/6/2012, 12:34 PM
I had heard the buzz at NAB but sadly didn't have time to go check it out first hand. Lacking any hands on, I was told by a friend who did manage to get over there and give it a glance the low light looked pretty noisy. Personally haven't been very impressed by the clips I've seen online yet, it all looks pretty soft to my eye. Also having an internal non-removable battery that takes two hours to charge and only lasts approximately 70-90 minutes just fills my heart with dread. The 2.5K is interesting, I almost see it as akin to HDV, by that I mean when I went from a Canon XL2 to the XHA1, HD wasn't quite affordable yet or mainstream for that matter but knew it was coming, HDV was a short term bridge before finally stepping up when the EX1 came out. Unlike many cams that I got and used for a good number of years before upgrading, from the onset HDV felt especially temporary even when I bought it. DSLR's had the same feeling to me as well.

All of that said it is sexy! Honestly considered buying one under the guise of getting it as a B-Cam to my PMW-F3K, mainly just because I thought it was so cool when I saw it, absolutely love the design. No doubt that it will probably sell well but I don't think its quite the step up from DSLR's that it's being made out to be. If I was still shooting with my 7D I don't think I would sell it off for this particular camera. Rumor is that they may still make changes to it before it ships so I guess we'll see what, if any, changes they do make and what kind of footage comes out it once it's in more hands. I would really love to be more tempted.

- Ray
Underground Planet