Software to Animate Lower Third Titles ?

TheDingo wrote on 5/3/2012, 11:49 AM

I am wondering if there are any good and fairly easy to use software packages to create animated lower third video titles, that cost less than Adobe After Effects ?

Most of these titles will be for fairly straight forward corporate videos.

I am Windows based, but could round up access to a Mac if I had to.

Thanks in advance.

- Guy


Tom Pauncz wrote on 5/3/2012, 11:58 AM
For simple corporate LTs, you can do it all in Vegas Pro with the Pan/Crop tool, its Bezier masking and track motion.

You can also buy already animated footage from folks like Footage Firm and then all you need to do is add your text.

As well, VASST's Ultimate S Pro also has some neat animated LTs.

[r]Evolution wrote on 5/3/2012, 12:41 PM
NewBlue Titler Pro
Terje wrote on 5/3/2012, 2:44 PM
Adobe After Effects. It is massive overkill for just lower thirds, but soon you will be doing A LOT more with it :-)

Also check out Digital Juice for some ready made stuff.
videoITguy wrote on 5/3/2012, 3:52 PM
While VegasPro can really do lower-thirds animation of its own...for my money you are far better off to buy into the inexpensive and generic animations that are offered. Digital Juice is okay, but the various business tie-ins with Footage Firm, and 12inch Broadcast design are really the BEST!
JohnnyRoy wrote on 5/4/2012, 11:13 AM
You might want to take a look at the VASST GrafPaks. These are the same that are in Ultimate S Pro and Lite that Tom Pauncz pointed you to (you can buy them separately).

They are created 100% in Vegas implemented as nested projects using various image files and Generated Media. Almost all are animated. The best part is that you can open the projects and see how they are made and learn a lot about how to make them yourself.


John Rofrano
Sundance Media Group / VASST