Burning Blue Rays issues...HELP!

2knowone2 wrote on 4/26/2012, 9:28 AM
I just installed an LG wh12ls39 Blue ray rewriter excited to burn my first Blue ray project...1.)but it keeps getting stuck at 60% when burning! (I reinstalled the software and tried again. Same thing!)
2.) Or then one time it said it burned and even asked if I want to burn another...but the disk was blank and then suddenly the drive wouldn't show up.(that was before i re-installed) not sure if these two issues are related bu AAAAARRRGGH! any thoughts?


2knowone2 wrote on 4/26/2012, 9:35 AM
Ok I tried again and what happens is it gets to 66% then it says "finished would you like to burn another" but now that drive won't show up! It only shows my other drive. (CD/DVD burn only)
2knowone2 wrote on 4/26/2012, 10:02 AM
It's like somehow it's kicking the drive out...
Steve Grisetti wrote on 4/26/2012, 11:47 AM
Are you able to burn an ISO image file to your hard drive?

That will tell you if the problem is with your burner or if the program just isn't able to re-encode your video files.
videoITguy wrote on 4/26/2012, 2:18 PM
You could have a problem with the combination of media chosen to burn and the particular firmware that is within the burner. Firmware often needs to updated - but for example if you are using old or defective media that would not help.

I would suggest testing by burning an ISO file -or using some other software to do a trial burn on the burner -to get another option outside of SCS products VegasPro or DVDArch.
PeterDuke wrote on 4/27/2012, 3:12 AM
Also try wrinting to a BD-RE for test burns so you don't waste discs. Once you have nailed the problem then revert to normal BD-R.
Melachrino wrote on 5/5/2012, 7:07 PM
Steve has a good suggestion.
First try to prepare an iso file to a folder in your hard disc.
Make sure you write down where.
When finished, and no error messages, click Make DVD again and this time Burn From a previously prepared folder - the one you just did and see if this works.
I have had a similar problem, which has never been fixed, in trying to burn directly after rendering. It seems as if the DVDA program looses its pointers.
However, ever since I split the operation, as described, I have never gotten stuck again.
JJKizak wrote on 5/7/2012, 1:57 PM
I had that problem and it turned out to be motherboard drivers, SATA.