
Earl_J wrote on 1/25/2012, 11:36 AM
never mind
paul_w wrote on 1/25/2012, 12:12 PM
Just caught the last 10 minutes, forgot it was today.
I quite enjoy these broadcasts. Will wait for the re-run.

DWhitevidman wrote on 1/25/2012, 12:14 PM
I watched the whole presentation, but didn't quite get how to purchase the Vegas audio video training package at 20% off.
Grazie wrote on 1/25/2012, 12:16 PM
I would have liked to have seen the the remaining Compositing Modes in action and seen just how maybe Gradients could have improved footage.

The major thing I came away with was that the layers=Tracks signal flow is from the Bottom layer=Track to the Top.

Most definitely worth watching for a newbie.


paul_w wrote on 1/25/2012, 12:25 PM
Hmm, dont know how the discount for the book works, could be you have to get right through to the checkout to see it. Gary did say it was for 1 week.

Former user wrote on 1/25/2012, 12:39 PM
It looked like the discount was just a web address for the seminar. If you watch the archive it'll have it.
VidMus wrote on 1/25/2012, 12:55 PM
On another thread someone was asking why Vegas was rendering slowly when there were multiple video tracks with video events but only the top one was being used.

From this webinar the answer is because Vegas is going from the bottom track up with the compositing. So yes, Vegas does look at the lower tracks while rendering even though the top one is the only one visible.

So it is best to delete unused events/tracks to speed up rendering.
paul_w wrote on 1/25/2012, 1:41 PM
Good point.

DWhitevidman wrote on 1/25/2012, 4:17 PM
I know many of you are way beyond needing this, but as it went buy kind of quickly, this is where to go until Jan 31, 2012 to get the training video @ 20% off, that Gary mentioned during the webinar.
paul_w wrote on 1/25/2012, 6:14 PM
Ah, was wondering where the promo link was. Good.

DWhitevidman wrote on 1/27/2012, 5:31 PM
I ordered the Vegas Digital Video & Audio Production @ 20% off, mentioned during the webinar Wednesday and received it today. Order processed and shipped within 24 hrs, can't get much better than that.