Jay Rose's Audio Post Book - Broken CD - Begging

NickHope wrote on 1/24/2012, 7:31 AM
I bought Jay Rose's excellent "Audio Postproduction for Digital Video" ages ago, but didn't get around to reading it until recently. Unfortunately the CD in the back cover was completely broken in two.

(btw consider this my unshaven contribution to the "what do you look like 2012" thread!)

I tried emailing Jay but he said the files are not online and he unfortunately wasn't in a position to supply a replacement and the publisher is out of business. He suggested I look on Warez sites, but I couldn't find it in a torrent search.

So... Is there kind soul out there who has this book and has time and bandwidth to rip the iso off the CD, zip it up and temporarily stick it somewhere online (e.g. yousendit, mediafire, megaupload) for me? I imagine it might zip up to a reasonable size. I would be hugely grateful! If not I'll try and get my hands on the newer version of the book, because I'm sure it'll be a winner, like the version I have.



RalphM wrote on 1/24/2012, 8:06 AM

I sent you a private email on this request.

ChipGallo wrote on 1/24/2012, 10:32 AM
There's an updated version of the book? I'll have to take a look ...

[update: Amazon doesn't show a newer version of the same title. Surprisingly, the Kindle edition is $32 whereas the paper one is $19!]

NickHope wrote on 1/24/2012, 10:53 AM
Thanks Ralph, I have emailed you back.

Chip, take a look here.

I read one negative review on Amazon from somebody who bought the electronic version and found that there was no way to get the CD. So be careful of that.

Also the later version is 2008 so I don't know if it will include recent legislation in terms of loudness. I'm sure it's still a cracking book though.

richard-amirault wrote on 1/28/2012, 1:05 PM
Thanks to this thread I have just ordered the newer version (second edition .. 2008) from Amazon.