
gwailo wrote on 11/19/2011, 7:29 AM
I think it may be bogus as well because i've never gotten it to work either.

Apparently AAF files cannot contain any mp3 files.

Maybe for the export to work everything may have to be exactly the same bit depth and sampling frequency.
cchoy wrote on 11/19/2011, 7:58 PM
Thanks for the heads up.
Did a try with everything at 48K 24 bit.
no dice.

rraud wrote on 11/20/2011, 8:04 AM
"Apparently AAF files cannot contain any mp3 files"
-- MP3s should work if one does not embed them... the problem is importing an AAF just plain don't work, from an application other than Vegas<>Vegas...
cchoy wrote on 11/21/2011, 9:29 AM
".. the problem is importing an AAF just plain don't work, from an application other than Vegas<>Vegas.."

I am having problems even Vegas to Vegas....