New Vegas 11 says, "Native P2 support is....

clearvu wrote on 10/18/2011, 12:44 PM
According to the documention, it says, "Native P2 support is also available with an optional plug-in."

What exactly does that mean? Is the Plug-in included with Vegas as an option? Or is it a 3rd party plug-in that requires me to pay extra money for?

I would hope that Vegas just has it as an option since it is supposed to be for professional editing.

Anybody know?


willqen wrote on 10/18/2011, 8:25 PM
I believe Raylight Ultra is what you need to convert P2 files (all types including 100 & HD) to run in Sony Vegas.

Google it, and you will find lots of info, and where to download it. It is very inexpensive, if I recall correctly.

Also there is a demo if you prefer to try before you buy . . . .

PS; Be sure and read the thread : Raylight Ultra & Vegas 11 fix FYI
Baron Oz wrote on 10/19/2011, 4:59 PM
Yep, I use it all the time. Haven't tried it in Vegas 11 yet, think I'll wait until Raylight comes up with a better approach than this fix. All my cameras are P2 based and I'd rather not risk not being able to open my files.
clearvu wrote on 10/20/2011, 6:58 PM
Raylight Ultra, from what I can see, is $200. An upgrade to Vegas is only $150. Hmmm.
WillemT wrote on 10/21/2011, 4:26 AM
The Raylight "fix" consists of copying one config file to the Vegas 11 folder. The older installer does not know about Vegas 11 - quite reasonable I think.

Raylight Ultra works very well in Vegas 11.

clearvu. There was a discount offer a short while back, using a discount code, in one of Sony's emails. I used that to purchase Raylight Ultra - and yes it was almost the same price as the Vegas upgrade.
