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Subject:Registering Single VST
Posted by: Zacchino
Date:8/24/2011 5:38:41 AM

Hello Everyone,

Sometimes, some of my VSTi get skipped by Acid, and I always have to "add" a new VSTi SubFolder (as all my VSTi in the same root folder) of the particular VSTi in order for Acid to specifically look in it, detect it, and add it to the VSTi list.

Isn't there a way to Register a single VST "by hand" ? I was thinking if someone did / could write a small program that generates the .reg with the Binary informations for Acid Pro to list the missing VSTi... And maybe the VSTfx aswell !

- Here's where the VSTi are listed in the registry :
HKCU\Software\Sony Media Software\Acid Pro\6.0\Metrics\VSTi Synth\Plugs

- Here's where the VSTfx are listend in the registry :
HKCU\Software\Sony Media Software\Acid Pro\6.0\Metrics\VST Cache\Mappings

I'm just asking, who knows, maybe that such a little tool program could be handy for everyone, so that we wouldn't have to rescan the whole plethora of plugins and just add the right one, sniper-like...

Subject:RE: Registering Single VST
Reply by: pwppch
Date:8/24/2011 6:56:15 PM

ACID 7 no longer uses the registry for this. We changed it because of the problems with scanning.


Subject:RE: Registering Single VST
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:8/28/2011 9:24:17 AM


That's good news ! So where is Acid saving the VSTi / Fx cache now ?

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