Newsprint filter on text media

JackWhite wrote on 5/1/2011, 3:44 PM
I have a standard text media with an alpha channel. If I add most effects to this clip it affects the text as I woudl expect. If I add the Newsprint fx, the lpha channel (ie the background turns black) so I can't see the video track underneath. I am doing somethng wrong?




Grazie wrote on 5/2/2011, 12:54 AM
Jack > " I am doing somethng wrong?

Nope. What you and I DON'T have are the graphic program-decisions to make this Newsprint Fx do what it does. And that we all suffer from.

OK? Here is my solution, taking the above into account.

1] Duplicate your Text Track above your Video.

2] Apply NewsFx to Event on Track 1

3] Make Track2's Text a dark colour. I've used dark green to black.

4] Set Track1 Composite to SCREEN.

Here's the results:-

Now, as I did just now, you can experiment with the Composite settings AND dot size AND Colour or monochrome OR colour of the Text on Track2, but essentially we are creating a BG for the Newsprint to sit on.

Of course just doing a Compo of Track 1 onto the Video would get you a simpler but less controllable set of variables.

I don't think my offering is too shabby?


JackWhite wrote on 5/2/2011, 2:42 AM
Thanks Grazie. No, not shabby at all! I haven't got "screen" composite mode as I'm using VMS 10 at the moment (I know this is the Pro forum - I do have Pro but only version 6 - when it came time to upgrade for HD purposes I went with VMS - am only a hobbyist!). However, the same seems to work using the "mask" mode in VMS and setting track 2 as a child. Thanks for helping me experiment!

The only thing you don't get this way, that you do if you apply the effect direclty to the text, is the way the effect goes over the outline of the text. I still don't get why this effect doesn't work with alpha yet all the others seem to!?

Grazie wrote on 5/2/2011, 3:38 AM
Jack: I still don't get why this effect doesn't work with alpha yet all the others seem to!?

Yer gonna have to ask SCS just how they have programmed the FX for that one.


Tom Pauncz wrote on 5/2/2011, 5:39 AM
And the result is where so we can all learn?? :-)
Grazie wrote on 5/2/2011, 6:04 AM

Tom Pauncz wrote on 5/2/2011, 6:09 AM
You said in your post "Here's the results:-".
Did you mean to include a screengrab?
Grazie wrote on 5/2/2011, 6:13 AM
I am quite aware of what I said 4 hours ago, to which Jack responded.

What's your point?


rs170a wrote on 5/2/2011, 6:29 AM
Grazie, Tom's point is that your link doesn't show up if you're logged in.
If I'm not logged in, I can see your link[/link] (here you are Tom).
Very strange.

JackWhite wrote on 5/2/2011, 6:36 AM
I am logged in and the screenshot showed up fine.
rs170a wrote on 5/2/2011, 6:43 AM
Not seeing it here Jack and I have no idea why not.
I'm going to blame it on the fact that we have federal elections in Canada today.
It's as good an excuse as any :)

Grazie wrote on 5/2/2011, 6:49 AM
Tom asked if I meant to include a screenshot. It would appear I did, as Jack responded to what I included. Tom "assumed" I hadn't. Interesting.


Tom Pauncz wrote on 5/2/2011, 7:06 AM
Thanks Mike..

I wonder why? I am used to seeing inline images, but perhaps because this is a DropBox link it behaves somewhat differently...

And quite right .. if I log out, then I can see the link to the image.

WillemT wrote on 5/2/2011, 7:33 AM
The original link does not show up here either. Firefox 3.6.16 and logged in.

farss wrote on 5/2/2011, 7:36 AM
Logged in I can see it but it takes a couple of seconds to load.

Is using Dropbox for inline images such a good idea though?

I thought if Grazie deletes the file from his Dropbox it gets deleted from the server.

Tom Pauncz wrote on 5/2/2011, 8:17 AM
Got to be a browser thingy. Works just as I used to see it on FF, if I use IE7.
