OT: This is why I'm nervous about FCP

CClub wrote on 2/2/2011, 4:16 PM
Not interested in starting a flaming post either way...I'm not an Apple basher by any means. I bought a Macbook Pro a few months ago that my son uses, and I love my iPhone. But here's my example of why I'm nervous about buying Apple products: I'm planning on upgrading to iPhone 5 when it comes out this summer, but right now I have an iPhone 3G. When the next iOS update comes out, my iPhone 3G won't be able to upgrade anymore. I have a perfectly fine phone that won't be able to update the OS or apps anymore. Again, that's fine, as I'm planning on upgrading to a new phone this summer.

But if I was using FCP -- which I'd love to add as an additional NLE to Vegas -- doesn't Apple have certain hardware requirements for each FCP upgrade? What if you have an older Mac or Macbook? Are you out of luck? That's the nice thing about PC and Vegas, even if the preview/render is slow as molasses, at least you can either just upgrade one internal part or leave your machine running for a day or so while you render.

For those who use FCP in addition to Vegas, do you have any insight on this issue? For example, if you use FCP 7, can you use an older system, or will it just not work with an older system? I would love to buy a newer Macbook Pro and the new FCP when the new models/update come out this year, install Windows/Vegas on it as my primary NLE, but also have the availability of using FCP. But I'd hate to be undercut a year or two later and have a useless laptop.


farss wrote on 2/2/2011, 5:06 PM
I'm not a FCP user but I do have to deal with them fairly regularly.

As far as I know the only connection between what you can run software wise and Apple's hardware occurred with the change to Intel CPUs and even then you could run apps under emulation, probably not something you'd want to do with an NLE of course.

Sab wrote on 2/2/2011, 6:14 PM
No worries CClub. As stated in the other post, the only issue was when Apple switched to intel chips. Now as gar as FCP goes, well that's another story for another day...;)

Rob Franks wrote on 2/2/2011, 7:19 PM
It's been light-years since FCP has had any serious upgrading done to it. Given that little fact, I don't see how having an older (or newer) mac would play any kind of role at all
CClub wrote on 2/2/2011, 7:28 PM
It HAS been light-years. But it seems as if they're planning a new release this year (yeah, yeah, I know. Scarlet is supposedly coming out soon also). I've been watching my son kick out pretty cool work via iWork and iMovie very quickly, and if a new FCP has some of those ingredients, it could be a nice addition to using Vegas and give me some novel ideas for production.
mtntvguy wrote on 2/2/2011, 8:01 PM
I've got a MacBookPro (17" i7). I use FC Studio 3 on the Mac side, and Vegas 10 Pro on the Windows side. I prefer working in Vegas. But recently I discovered I can make an animated clip in Motion, and it imports fine into my Vegas projects. It easy, too, because I've got a program that lets me access files on the Mac side while I'm in Windows.Very cool, especially since Vegas' text capability is... less than optimal.