
Sab wrote on 10/19/2010, 2:37 PM
Not a shortcut, but the fastest way I know is remove all images from the timeline by selecting the first image then right click and select events to end. Then hit delete. Go to Options -> Preferences -> Editing tab and change the default still image length to 9 seconds (add more if you want a dissolve between each image while retaining the 9 second length).

Then put the images back on the timeline. Done.


eyethoughtso wrote on 10/19/2010, 3:22 PM
jetdv wrote on 10/20/2010, 8:19 AM
Scripts can easily do this too.
rs170a wrote on 10/20/2010, 8:28 AM
While it's an excellent suggestion, Mike's method won't work if the images come from different folders or are not in numeric order.
In that case, click image #1, go to the end of the image sequence and Shift+Click the last one to select all of them, press G to group them together, place the cursor key at the end of the last image, hold down the Ctrl key (the cursor will change from a rectangle to a ~) and drag the sequence out to the new length.

Arthur.S wrote on 10/20/2010, 11:03 AM
You can also go to 'edit details' make sure 'events' is selected. Then drag to select all of the events and change the length/time to whatever you want.