Vegas to DVD Architect 5.0 timing issues

Myerz wrote on 6/6/2010, 5:38 PM

I'm not sure if anyone has had this issue before, I hope I'm not alone.

I rendered a 10 minute slideshow in vegas with as an MPEG2 with random " timed " transitions. I highlight TIMED because when I imported it into DVD Architect and burnt my DVD things changed.... All the timing had been accelerated. Nothing extreme but most surely noticable. To the point where all the time I took to make all the transistions perfect were for nothing. For example, a fade that took 3 seconds was changed to 2.... very noticable.

Any ideas?


I'll post this into DVD Architect forum as well....


MarkWWWW wrote on 6/7/2010, 5:42 AM
You say that it was OK in Vegas but not OK on the DVD. At what point did things go wrong? Is the MPG you rendered with Vegas OK? If so, does the project in DVDA work OK when you play it using the inbuilt Preview, i.e. before you go to Prepare? Or is it only at this final stage that the problem appears?

When you know at which point the problem occurred you will have a better chance of discovering a way to avoid it.

Myerz wrote on 6/7/2010, 4:50 PM
That's true, I haven't disected it to that point I will investigate.

thanks for the insight....
Myerz wrote on 6/7/2010, 5:02 PM
It looks like it's the mpeg I rendered in vegas. I previewed it in DVD Architect, and yes my transitions are rushed in the mpeg.

So, what would cause this? Is this a frame-rate issue. I'm pretty sure I was 29.97 NTSC all the way thru.... I'm lost.
MarkWWWW wrote on 6/8/2010, 5:42 AM
I can't say for sure but my first guess would be that it has something to do I-frames - certain things (Chapter Markers, etc) can only occur on I-frame locations, and if you try to place them elsewhere they will be moved to the nearest I-frame if you are using a long-GOP format like .mpg. I wasn't aware that this would affect the position of transitions, but perhaps it does. Anyway that's the first thing that springs to my mind.
