OT: Pipe Dream? or Dream Come True!

BudWzr wrote on 2/9/2010, 8:12 AM
One day I plan to travel the country by RV, and I was thinking that there are a lot of small venues out there that could benefit from a promotional video on the web.

Like little-known but interesting places that don't have a budget or expertise to do it themselves.

As an amateur photographer/videographer, I'm probably going to take footage anyway, so why not make a couple bucks to cover gas and eats?

I'll give 'em a free sample with "DRAFT" watermarked on it and charge a token fee for the final, and offer them web services too.

If I can sign up 100 clients paying $50 a month, and maintain that level, I can avoid dipping into savings.

I was thinking a good test stop would be Quartzite, AZ. I think I'll take a business trip there this weekend to "scout" the terrain, haha.


CClub wrote on 2/9/2010, 9:11 AM
I'm always looking for new niches to fill also, but I'm not understanding your business model. After you give them the final version, why would they continue to give you $50/month? And if you're planning on getting 100 new clients/month, I can't imagine how you'd be able to have the time to 1) find enough new customers, 2) edit that much media each month.
BudWzr wrote on 2/9/2010, 11:06 AM
Oh yeah, I'll e-mail them the final with a watermark free, and if they don't sign up, I can just sell it for cheap, has no value for me, why not.

The $50/Mo. is to setup and maintain a website with their custom domain name, e-maul, etc, and the 100 custs/Mo. is 100 customers paying a monthly fee (end goal), not 100 new customers a month.

The figures aren't hard and fast, and there is no production fees, no setup fees, no upfront cost to the client, they just need to sign a 1 or 2 year agreement.

I might have several levels of packages. Even $10/mo. with just a simple templated webpage would be profitable.

Once I get them their domain name, they're not likely to quit on it.

So like everyone else, I'll have a mix of cheap/spendy customers, it all evens out.

It's a lot cheaper than Google AdWords.
TeetimeNC wrote on 2/9/2010, 2:51 PM
Bud, are you doing this before, or after you rewrite Media Manager?

Earl_J wrote on 2/9/2010, 4:31 PM
I have the same notion...

Video of the leaders of the town giving a little background of the place... interesting spots to dine and visit... perhaps a few testimonials of what's happening now ... and a few scans of the photos hanging on the walls in many places with the celebrities who have visited - Flip Wilson, John Wayne, and the like (Flip Wilson used to drive across the country and let people tell him their favorite jokes).
Perhaps even a transfer of old 8mm or 16mm films they might have stashed away of some significant event in the town's history ... make just enough money for gas, food, RV space rental fees, and then off to the next town ...
Give a class or two to the most inquisitive youngsters in town to keep paying it forward from that point on ... so the visual and imagery history continues to build even after I'm gone.

I was thinking more along the lines of Route 66 - what with the movie Cars and the old TV show - it might make a good follow-up of sorts... The creators of Cars spent 6 months traveling Route 66 to get a feel for the characters and towns in the movie.

Once you complete one presentation, you can use it as leverage down the road at the next town... "Don't let those guys down the road show you up, let's make something just a little bit better and bigger in scope" ... by the time you get to the end of the road, it might be a complete full-length movie with a cast of thousands ... (grin)

It could even entail an advance party of sorts, someone to scout ahead or deliver flyers and shooting requests ... OR ... if you get it scheduled for the local cable station, the next town down the road might even call you to ensure you stop by!

@CC - my model is: I prepare a DVD of it all, sell as many as I can and move on... no residuals like BudWzr's plan; I don't need any, I'm not in it for the money, just to publish a bit of the history of each place I had planned to visit anyway. I'd also have a great bunch of video from which to make a great adventure film of it all once I get home ...
It could even be a two-way trip ... hit a town every 150 miles or so on the way out, and hit a few in-between on the way home ... the ones I did on the way out might help prepare the towns in-between before I return. . .

What a great adventure that would be for a year or so. . .!

As I think of it now, it could even be a north-south trip from where I live now - mid-way on I-95 in North Carolina ... Florida to the south and New England in the north ... hmmmm...

Until that time . . . Earl J.
BudWzr wrote on 2/9/2010, 5:47 PM
I'm not "rebuilding" anything. I said I was going to make my own media manager, but I'm not going to post a diary here.

If I can't get the MM to fly, at least I can dream of the day I'm "Eastbound and down" with my CB on lookin' for Earl and Smokies.

We gonna do what they say can't be done!
BudWzr wrote on 2/9/2010, 6:16 PM
Earl, the West is where the action is. There's a lot of ghost towns, gold mines, indian heritage, UFO's, the whole enchilada.

Around Reno, there's all kinds of little bits of American history. That's where they filmed Gunsmoke. If you ever go there and see the lush green prairies and pines you'll never forget it.

The Crazyhorse monument seems to be stalling due to lack of interest, there's a lead right there.

I'm financially secure as well, but it sure would be fun to do interviews and maybe get a "Key to the city"!

If I do, I gonna head to the nearest steakhouse and get a biggun for free!!!! And some "Franch Fraid Pattatters" too with mustard and biscuits.
MarkWWWW wrote on 2/10/2010, 8:06 AM
> I'm not going to post a diary here.

If only that were true.
bigrock wrote on 2/10/2010, 8:18 AM
Why would anyone pay anyone to do something that others are doing for free, maybe if there are clueless possibly. I personally would not pay a "travelling person" squat, I would deal with someone local, and that's just what most of this kind of places have already done.

You might require a business license and a peddlers license and might have to collect local State Sales taxes to be legal. It's not like you are having people solict your services on the web, you are going to them to solict business directly and that has a myraid of local laws in many jurisidictions.
BudWzr wrote on 2/10/2010, 9:11 AM
I would NEVER approach any opportunity as a "peddler" or door-to-door salesman, that's the worst possible way, and you're right, probably end up with a citation and run out of town.

The first thing I would get is an invitation from the city manager, or whoever is in charge, welcoming me.
Earl_J wrote on 2/10/2010, 7:06 PM
as I mentioned, I offer it ... if they buy any, fine... if not, that's okay too ... I'll have some great video of it all when the trip is over... I'd also never offer it sight unseen; I'd set up some sort of public showing, even if only on the side of the RV to let people see the product before they purchase...
Additionally, cash transactions solve many problems ... both for the purchaser and the supplier.
* * *
I enjoyed the Banff to Golden at 660kph ... and all the highway scenes... very smooth. I was able to visit Banff on Uncle Sam's dime attending a First Special Service Force reunion a few years back; representing the Special Operations Command History Office here at Fort Bragg... so the shots of the mountains, and the driving are very soothing for me ... in addition to my crossing the country by car twice ... which is another reason why I love this country so much and would like to spend more time just traveling around, meeting people, and documenting their little corner of the country - whether they pay me for it or not - it would be such a privilege (and so much fun) to be there with them for even just a little while. . .


I'll make sure I visit your corner of the Internet more often myself... good job . . .

Until that time... Earl J.