New Plugin Suggestions for Sony

Matthias King wrote on 1/30/2010, 12:56 AM
I wasn't quite sure where to post this, so I chose Vegas Audio because I think it might apply here the most.

I've been using ACID, Vegas, and Sound Forge for about 10+ years now. And in that time I've learned a lot recording and engineering, and also had a chance to use a lot of different FX plugins, both free and some commercial, and the ones that come bundled with the Sony softwares.

There are a small handful of tools I think are missing from the palette of what comes with ACID/Vegas.

1) I think Sony should modify the Multi-Tap Delay plugin to add the option to be tempo based. You can use a BPM calculator or a math equation to figure it out and apply it to the current one, but it would be much handier to add the option to sync to tempo. There's the bundled one from Izotope that comes with the program, but it would still be good to do to the existing Delay.

2) a simple Track De-Esser. Unless I've completely overlooked something, there's no de-esser anywhere in the Sony plugins. This is a pretty essential tool if you're working on vocals. It should really be in there.

3) a 4-band version of the Track Compressor. Multiband compression can be a very useful tool, especially in some situations where the Track Compressor won't quite work because of the frequency content of the track.

4) The parametric Track EQ is great as is, however, I think Sony should modify it to add a dedicated highpass and lowpass, in addition to the existing four bands, and make the pass filters have adjustable filter order, like second order, fourth order. Very similar to the Resonant Filter, but all rolled into the same plugin.

You can achieve the same thing by having a Resonant Filter on lowpass, Track EQ, then a second Resonant Filter on highpass, but that's three instances of a plugin everytime you want to do it that way. If Sony added the dedicated high and lowpass filters to the Track EQ, it would make things simpler and also use less CPU.

These are some things I've had on my mind for a while now, and decided to post. If someone from Sony sees this and runs it up the ladder and it gets implemented, I'd be quite happy

To the forum mods, If there's another route to go through to make these suggestions directly, please let me know.


Steven Myers wrote on 1/30/2010, 1:53 AM
2. The Multi-band Dynamics plug has a de-esser preset.
MarkWWW wrote on 1/30/2010, 6:51 AM
The "correct" route for making these product suggestions is to click on the Support link at the top of this page, and then choose Product Suggestion.

Matthias King wrote on 1/30/2010, 10:08 AM
I looked through the Multiband Dynamics plug for use as a de-esser but apparently I must have missed it. I'll go check again. How capable is it?
Steven Myers wrote on 1/31/2010, 2:01 AM
It is not automatic. I usually need to tweak the preset's settings.

There was one bit of audio the plug and I could not tame. It was a female voice-over. She had a beautiful voice. But I had made a very poor mic choice, and the sibilants were wild.
Skaven252 wrote on 2/1/2010, 4:34 AM
I would appreciate if the Track EQ had more gain, either way. Currently it stops at -14.7 dB after which it switches to -inf, and the max is +15dB. Would a bigger range be feasible?

(Of course, I can always use some third party EQs, especially since Vegas has started supporting VST plugins. Or, I can chain more Track EQs one after another to get the effect, but that's beside the point.)