Forum Feedback Thread

Skaven252 wrote on 1/31/2010, 6:39 AM
Since there are no options for sending feedback about this forum itself, nor the adminstrators can be contacted about it, I decided to start a thread about it here. Feel free to post feedback about the Sony support forum here.

Here's mine: I would *really* appreciate if this forum had a Subscription option. I would like to be notified by email if a thread I've subscribed to gets a reply. Thank you.


drbam wrote on 1/31/2010, 7:34 PM
It has been a request for years. Don't hold your breath . . .
Skaven252 wrote on 2/1/2010, 4:30 AM
*phaahhhhhh* Oh well. :)
Skaven252 wrote on 2/3/2010, 1:41 AM
Here's some more:

* Message preview before posting

* Formatting help. The tags are standard and I've figured out how to use them (I think, I hope I got those right, since I can't preview), but still, it would eliminate the guesswork.