Need A New Forum

BudWzr wrote on 12/29/2009, 9:44 PM
I think this forum should be split up like they do the truck drivers at rest stops. Let the creative people using Pro have their own space away from these "road warrior" types.

We creatives are inclusive by nature because we know a bigger palette makes for a richer art form.

These army-boots "editor-in-a-booth", cubicle dweller pros are passive aggressive by nature and seek stability and sameness.

The two cannot co-exist because they cancel each other out.


musicvid10 wrote on 12/29/2009, 9:54 PM
If you are equating "creative" with "amateur" I agree.
Good luck.
PerroneFord wrote on 12/29/2009, 10:09 PM
I thought all the creative people had Macs....
Coursedesign wrote on 12/29/2009, 10:31 PM
...a bigger palette makes for a richer art form

You mean using more than one NLE?

cubicle dweller pros seek stability

Nah, those seeking stability have already gone elsewhere.


[Actually, Vegas works perfectly for me, because I only edit uncompressed (and occasionally I get requests for old DV projects). No H.264 or other exotic formats. Vegas rocks for basic I-frame codecs!]
John_Cline wrote on 12/29/2009, 10:35 PM
For someone that's only been posting here for six days, you sure are making a lot of noise (emphasize: noise.) I don't know how the forum has survived the last eight years without you.
ushere wrote on 12/29/2009, 10:52 PM
just what we needed, a replacement b3t.....

now, if he only brings home the goodies, al la mem fix, we'll all be laughing.....

happy new year one and all.....
rs170a wrote on 12/29/2009, 10:56 PM
Here we go again :-(
And I was hoping for 2009 to go out on a good note - like Pro 9.0d with every bug fixed!!
I'll be glad to supply the snow and sub-zero temps for anyone who needs cooling off :-)

rmack350 wrote on 12/29/2009, 11:02 PM
I don't think B3T posted while in his cups.
reberclark wrote on 12/29/2009, 11:09 PM
"We creatives are inclusive by nature because we know a bigger palette makes for a richer art form."

Yeah, like those boring Bach counterpoint works using only four voices and all of Picasso's Blue Period crap.

Geez, are you one of those guys who thinks the equipment does the work? I thought I left you and your point of view behind in junior high band.
UlfLaursen wrote on 12/29/2009, 11:22 PM
For someone that's only been posting here for six days, you sure are making a lot of noise (emphasize: noise.) I don't know how the forum has survived the last eight years without you.

I like this comment, John - both funny and true at the same time IMO :-)

craftech wrote on 12/30/2009, 9:29 AM
For someone that's only been posting here for six days, you sure are making a lot of noise (emphasize: noise.) I don't know how the forum has survived the last eight years without you.

Within that six days he has managed to post these in other threads:
Hey Doofus,


I already answered that, look back a few posts.


I guess that is what he meant when he said:

We creatives are inclusive by nature because we know a bigger palette makes for a richer art form.

That's "creative talk". Makes sense - no?

BudWzr wrote on 12/30/2009, 10:13 AM
Hey Craftech, are you Michael Moore?

The "doofus" salutation is an acknowledgment to the poster that I "got" his nickname, was not derogatory.

The idiots are those that simply attack me for fun.

Within that six days he has managed to post these in other threads:
Hey Doofus,

You can change most any template by clicking the "custom" button.


I already answered that, look back a few posts.

I can't believe the number of idiots in this forum. You people are lost in some kind of time warp or something. Hello! This aint 1986!!

I give up, it's like herding cats in here.
kairosmatt wrote on 12/30/2009, 10:35 AM
Ooh, ooh, ooh!
Sign me up for forum #2!

"cubicle dweller pros are passive aggressive by nature and seek stability and sameness"

Jonathan Neal wrote on 12/30/2009, 10:59 AM

I don't understand what it is you're asking for. There's already a section for almost exactly what you were looking for.

Just click back on your browser till you reach this menu, you'll see it. Just keep clicking back.

CorTed wrote on 12/30/2009, 11:02 AM
Nice job Jonathan!

craftech wrote on 12/30/2009, 11:21 AM
Within that six days he has managed to post these in other threads:
Hey Craftech, are you Michael Moore?
He spells it "Dufus" as you are well aware. Your re-spelling was meant to be sarcastic and derogatory as were your other statements. The reason you are getting this flack is because you are new here and came here with the wrong attitude. We actually LIKE helping each other whether or not you feel some of us are "worthy" of it or not.

And if you click on FAQ, you will find that the forum rules are pretty lenient here for a
forum you think should be "split up". But one rule does say:

Are there any censorship features on your forums?
Typically not. However postings with swearing, name calling, or otherwise offensive comments, may be edited or deleted at the sole discretion of our moderators. Please be respectful to all forum users.

Perhaps you should follow that.


farss wrote on 12/30/2009, 12:38 PM
"We creatives.............."

Grasshopper presumes much.

BTW they drink Absinthe not beer.

If you want to be considered a true "creative" then not only are you in the wrong forum, you are using the wrong medium. Video by it's very nature is unable to capture the soul and spirit of the artist and convey that to the viewer. You MUST shoot film, only it can capture the distilled essence of the creator. It is of the utmost importance that only contact printing is used in the creation of your work. Only through that ancient process can the essence of the creator transfer from one generation to the next. Anything that breaks the chain of physical contact between the creator and his audience will loose the vital soul of the work, all the lifeforce of creation is lost leaving only a hollow ghostly after image of your work.

PerroneFord wrote on 12/30/2009, 12:45 PM

I need a narrator for this Docu, I'm working on. What are your rates?
musicvid10 wrote on 12/30/2009, 1:10 PM
Are there any censorship features on your forums?
Oh, he's aware of that. Here's a quote of his from another thread that suggests he's already received a warning:

[i]"I'll probably get booted anyway though on Jan 2, but check the wiki."

He's just playing us until the other shoe drops.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 12/30/2009, 1:26 PM

All one can do is hope.
farss wrote on 12/30/2009, 2:01 PM
Trust me, you do not want my voice anywhere near a microphone.

In all honesty I must admit that I shamelessly stole the idea behind my little diatribe from one of the true creative giants in this industry, Storaro Vittorio.
Given his body of work both creative and technical we can allow him the odd curious notion. Our beer drinking friend could do much worse than to study his works for inspiration.


Chienworks wrote on 12/30/2009, 2:06 PM
Perhaps he could start with a simple explanation of "road warrior" in this context. That in itself should require a substantial amount of creativity. I'm having a very hard time discerning what "road warriors" and "cubical dwellers" have in common as opposed to creative types.

I do most of my best creations in a cubical, though very little of it has anything to do with video. I commute 260 miles a day. Does that make me a road warrior too?
kairosmatt wrote on 12/30/2009, 2:07 PM
Of all the odd things Bob, I was JUST talking about Ladyhawk.

Sebaz wrote on 12/30/2009, 2:44 PM
I think this forum should be split up like they do the truck drivers at rest stops. Let the creative people using Pro have their own space away from these "road warrior" types. We creatives are inclusive by nature because we know a bigger palette makes for a richer art form. These army-boots "editor-in-a-booth", cubicle dweller pros are passive aggressive by nature and seek stability and sameness. The two cannot co-exist because they cancel each other out.

God, what a bunch of crap. Dude, I enjoy having heated arguments with some people here, but also try when time allows to help others and also seek help from others. Your posts have brought nothing remotely interesting to this forum.

just what we needed, a replacement b3t.....

Nah, this one is not a replacement b3t, that guy was more fun to read and to argue with when he brought up a bunch of crap in his blind fanaticism for Vegas.
Jeffrey Cline wrote on 12/30/2009, 3:39 PM
All of this from someone who doesn't even own Vegas. Hopefully his trial has run out!