Edit Details - Regions - "Zoom To" command

Skaven252 wrote on 9/10/2009, 1:20 AM
I use Vegas Pro 8.0 to manage and process a large number of voiceover takes in a video game. For each line I create a Region, and then I export all the regions into wavs for the game.

The Edit Details window displays a list of all the markers and regions in the project. It would be a nice extra feature if there was a "Go To" or "Zoom To" command in the right click menu of the list. I can currently doing it by copy-pasting the Start or End time to the cursor position field, but a GoTo would be a fast and handy addition. :)

While at it, you could also add a "Select" command to the regions, so that you could select loop regions from regions in the Edit Details list.

What do you think? Anything else that could make the Edit Details window more powerful?


Teetow wrote on 9/10/2009, 2:00 AM
This sounds very much like something you would script -- except that you'd have to recreate the Edit Details window from scratch, which is no mean feat. I've been considering doing it, though, since there are a thousand tiny improvements I'd like to make to it.

It would, however, be awesome if the Edit Details window was exposed to scripting just like the media pool is.
MarkWWWW wrote on 9/10/2009, 5:24 AM
Have a look at Rosebud's excellent GoTo script/custom control here. It already does much of what you are asking for and if there is anything it doesn't do you may be able to persuade him to add that feature too - he has often done so for other people in the past.

Several other very useful scripts on his site also - well worth having a look at.

Skaven252 wrote on 9/11/2009, 3:09 AM
^ Wow, very handy! Thanks for the tip! :) Does exactly what I want, and even has a searchword filter. Great stuff.