Vegas 9.0a Border FX bug...

kentwolf wrote on 7/31/2009, 1:27 AM
Used Ultimate S 4, 400 plus photos in MotoFoto, used the white snapshot-looking border.

Rendered in Vegas 9.0a, NTSC DV, Best, QT background under all 4 tracks. Result: Many of the borders on many photos (not all) has a "jump" in it like the border size has a keyframe tweaking the size a little as the photo moves. (There is no extra keyframe like this.) Completely unuseable output. Seems fairly random but unimstakeable. Nice thing to find out at 3 AM for stuff due in the morning.

Same project, same specs, same media in Vegas 8.0c works/renders just fine.


farss wrote on 7/31/2009, 7:27 AM
I'm wondering if this is not another symptom of the issue reported here:

kentwolf wrote on 8/3/2009, 8:19 AM
Not sure if it is a symptom related to the stated link.

I will tell you what though: Vegas 9 sure rendered the images dramatically faster than Vegas 8.

Not much use if the render is wrong though.