
TheHappyFriar wrote on 2/17/2009, 6:38 PM
you can turn the text size from auto to a set size & then you can pretty easily make it smaller.
autopilot wrote on 2/17/2009, 7:00 PM
When your button is highlighted ( has a box around it ) go to Highlight>Style in the upper right window. There you can change the mask over the button.
laer wrote on 2/17/2009, 7:38 PM
Hi guys...

Ya, even with a specified text size (non-auto), it still seems to need a large amount of space above and below. Scaling it down (vertically) results in the text being shrunk down. Granted, making a smaller font size certainly helps, but the text gets too small for legibility on a TV if I make it small enough to stack things as I want.

Autopilot, could you elaborate on your solution? I was never terribly clear on some of the highlight types. I understand underline and rectangle (makes sense)... and I usually use Custom (as I prefer my text links to simply highlight with a brighter colour, rather than boxes or underlines).... but I never really understood the other selections, since the manual doesn't seem to go over them, and they don't seem to do anything initially...

Are you saying you can modify the 'hit area' (which I assume is reflected in the size of the highlight if 'rectangle' is used?). That would be great, as it's pretty huge right now. I'd really like to do a proper vertical list of text 'links' if possible, but right now too much spacing is required between each line of text.
autopilot wrote on 2/17/2009, 8:40 PM
You can use the Sizing tool to make the "Hit" areas smaller & so they don't overlap each other. Also the buttons on the left of the Menu Window will resize all the buttons that you have highlighted ( with the Sizing Box around them ) in the Menu Window.

I just made a quick Menu and you can use Text Mask Overlay to not have rectangles around your words.

If you go to Color Sets, you can make them Transparent ( no color, white ), and then change the color of the Text separately under the Menu Window.

Sometimes it's difficult to explain so I send people to this YouTube vid which has helped me out, too.

laer wrote on 2/17/2009, 10:10 PM
Thanks, I'll check out that tutorial. I pretty much know my way around DVDA, and have made a few DVD's already... just some thing that are a bit confusing.

The text box sizing thing is still kind of odd... Seems like some of my text (links) allow the bounding box to go in pretty tight... while others seem to insist on a large buffer area around the text.

Yup, I've been using the sizing tool thing you mentioned, but same deal.... When I bring the edges in, the text starts scaling down. I'm not sure why it is requiring such a big space around the text (in SOME cases)... It's like there's some other setting that is causing that, as I would imagine you could/should be able to bring the edges in at least a little bit closer... I'll keep tinkering...