
Eugenia wrote on 2/9/2009, 3:04 PM
You need the Pro version for it.
abelenky wrote on 2/9/2009, 3:28 PM
To be clear: "Vegas Movie Studio" is a totally different line from "Vegas". The naming distinction is lost on most people.

Anything with "Movie Studio", including the "Platinum Pro Pack" is a stripped down, limited home-version for movie editing. For professional features, like Velocity Envelope, you need "Vegas Pro" (without any "Movie Studio" in the title).

"Vegas Pro" is typically $500+, while the "Movie Studio" line is more like $50-$130ish.

The confusion around the product names should be considered a horrible black-eye for Sony's marketing people. It has caused endless confusion and customer frustration. May it follow them for eternity.
abelenky wrote on 2/10/2009, 1:38 PM
alright... I shouldn't complain without offering a solution.

Sony, if you're listening, here's what I suggest:

One product line should be just "Sony Movie Studio".
It should include "Movie Studio", "Movie Studio Platinum", and "Movie Studio Platinum Plus Pack" (to remove the reference to "Pro", which conflicts with Vegas Pro)

The other product line should be "Sony Vegas Pro"

If Sony can separate the Pro-tools from the Home Movie Studio tools, customers will find the entire product line much more approachable, and reduce confusions such as this.
Chienworks wrote on 2/10/2009, 5:27 PM
Very heartily agreed. It's amazing how many people with the 'Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Pro Pack" are appalled to hear that they didn't get the highest version and are upset that they don't have all the features mentioned in the manual.
Brad Herder wrote on 3/6/2009, 4:56 AM
Thanks so much for clearing this up. I was trying and trying to find out what did and did not have the Velocity Envelope and it's impossible to tell, but your post makes it crystal clear!

I can kind of simulate it by splitting clips and speeding up or slowing down the pieces, but it's not nice and smooth, but I'm not really willing to spend the $500+ for Pro.

jetdv wrote on 3/6/2009, 5:38 AM
You won't need to spend $500+.

First, because you have a Movie Studio version, you can get upgrade pricing.

Seconds, if you look at the top "sticky" post, you'll find that for the next few weeks you'll get a 35% discount off of that. So NOW really is the time to upgrade if you want to move to the Pro version.