FrigidNDEditing wrote on 11/4/2008, 2:56 PM
Just in case you're reading this and haven't voted yet - GET OUT AND VOTE!

and a little funny on the ACORN group just for laughs - please just take it as a funny and not a dig at any party other than the ACORN group who were doing an abysmal job of keeping fraud from happening with our tax dollars.




John_Cline wrote on 11/4/2008, 3:28 PM
Just for the record, the ACORN group hired people to register voters and those people got paid per voter registration application. Some of them just lazy and went through the phone book and generated false registration applications in order to get paid. ACORN was required by law to submit all the voter registrations regardless of their validity. There was no intentional voter fraud on the part of ACORN management.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 11/4/2008, 3:39 PM
good to know john.

thanks for the info.

but more importantly... did you get out and vote :)

Coursedesign wrote on 11/4/2008, 3:42 PM
I just came back from voting, where a six-month old was holding court, with an "I voted"

AP reported that ACORN flagged 99+% of the invalid voter registrations when they submitted their rolls.

Ignorant people criticized them for this, not realizing that Federal law requires them to submit all sign-ups, no matter how goofy.

Their field people were paid per registration, so some got an entrepreneurial bent...

In no case were any fakers allowed to vote, but hey,who cares about facts?

On another note, I was really glad to vote by Inkavote.
This is an auditable, practically idiot-proof system, with no hanging chads, no confusing butterflies, and automatic protection against overvotes, etc.

Whether your voting for the Manchurian Candidate or for Our Savior, please get out there and vote!

Now imagine if voting days weren't just set up to give farmers two days to ride to their polling places after going to church...

winrockpost wrote on 11/4/2008, 4:01 PM
great picture of the new patriotic fridge,, yes i voted ,, but more importantly I hope you took care of that foreign material on the poor kids feet I noticed in the other pic

good luck to you and yours with that beautiful baby
John_Cline wrote on 11/4/2008, 4:42 PM

YES, I voted! (And prior to that, I donated a chunk of cash to the "non-red" candidate.)

apit34356 wrote on 11/4/2008, 4:46 PM
"Ignorant people criticized them for this, not realizing that Federal law requires them to submit all sign-ups, no matter how goofy." This is a goofy sound bite. Read the Federal laws on registration. Its a crime to present false voter registration data and it is a federal crime to organized an organization for such activities. It is also a Federal crime to stop valid registered individuals from voting and it is a crime to delay valid citizens from registration to vote. But there is a gray area about "required" time of polls to be open, I think a 24hr voting day should be required. ;-) I think sometimes that using SS number would be less of a problem, but many people are concern about it becoming a national ID........ with unique communication device ID's, credit cards....... if we can standardize ATM's, voting machines should be able too... ;-)
rmack350 wrote on 11/4/2008, 4:48 PM
Oh, Yes. Yes indeed!

Yeah, it's too bad about Acorn getting defrauded by some of it's canvasers. Luckily, it doesn't affect the elections when people who don't exist also don't show up to vote.

Rob Mack
rmack350 wrote on 11/4/2008, 4:51 PM
Funny about the "Manchurian candidate" I was calling one of them that quite a while back and don't think I'd heard it anywhere. Seems like it's just been coming to people's minds spontaneously. There's a "meme" for you.

Spot|DSE wrote on 11/4/2008, 4:53 PM
you'll have to forgive Dave, John...he's just a young kid...I tried explaining this a couple weeks ago.
Me...I didn't get out and vote. Not only do I not believe in it, I can't. My precinct is so small, we aren't given polls. I'm glad, because it means I'm not expending a lot of fuel to drive to a county seat that's a fair distance away.

I voted by mail-in ballot roughly 2 weeks ago. ;-)
rmack350 wrote on 11/4/2008, 4:57 PM
I don't think it's Federal law. I think it was state laws in most states that required them to submit ALL registrations.

You can well imagine what a scandal it would be if an organization went out to register people and then didn't turn a portion in. Acorn did their job, and made an effort to flag anything that was obviously questionable.

Acorn was a non-issue.

Rob Mack
Yoyodyne wrote on 11/4/2008, 4:58 PM
I do love me the mail in ballot!

Vote early, vote often :)
Patryk Rebisz wrote on 11/4/2008, 6:56 PM
Obama got my vote!

First time voter here (since getting my citizenship 2 weeks ago).

Coursedesign wrote on 11/4/2008, 7:13 PM
Funny about the "Manchurian candidate" I was calling one of them that quite a while back and don't think I'd heard it anywhere. Seems like it's just been coming to people's minds spontaneously. There's a "meme" for you.

I became a John McCain supporter in the 1980s.

Then a year or two ago, he suddenly changed dramatically. In a frightening way.

I couldn't help see parallels between McCain's life and that of the original Manchurian Candidate. Prisoner of war, programmed there, meant to be remote controlled after getting to office.

But McCain seemed to have flipped the switch early. Really just "flipped."

I have lots of conservative friends and they had independently come to the same conclusion re McCain (and said they were changing their vote accordingly). Several of them also mentioned how much he seemed to have become the Manchurian Candidate.

If you haven't seen the original movie with Frank Sinatra as the colonel, get it pronto. You're in for a real treat, it's a blast!

craftech wrote on 11/4/2008, 7:17 PM
Republican false story - Acorn.

Top News media coverage for four weeks prior to election according to a Nexis Database search - Acorn

Hidden stories they won't and haven't covered:

The endless number of these for years and

all of these.

kairosmatt wrote on 11/4/2008, 7:20 PM
The Manchurian Candidate gets my vote-the movie that is...


PS I do mean the much better original of course!
ushere wrote on 11/4/2008, 7:26 PM
as an interested observer, i've note a lot of 'problems' with voting, be it machines, scanners, or simple polling stations not functioning properly, ie. no paper ballot back-ups etc.,

i'm now flipping channels here in australia watching the process (no, i'm not that interested but i've got the flu and the pc screen makes me nauseous (more so than usual!)), and nowhere among the cnn, bbc, nbc, etc., coverage is there any mention made of the relatively huge numbers of disenfranchised voters, nor the problems....

i have to say i like and prefer the good old fashioned paper ballot - it might not be perfect, but compared to diebolt and ess machines, it's pretty near tamper proof...

either way, i'll feel safer with obama than mccain, but fear obama's life expectancy is going to be severely shortened if elected.

farss wrote on 11/4/2008, 7:45 PM
The remarkable thing is these guys don't have to vote.

I guess we're lucky we live in a democracy where you could go to jail for not exercising your democratic rights.

daryl wrote on 11/4/2008, 7:52 PM
Unfortunately, none of the voting methods are tamper-proof, there were a LOT of questionable elections in the days before there were electronic voting machines. It also varies from state-to-state on what kind of machine they have. Some have NO paper trail, and some have a double paper trail. I have no preference personally, I've used both paper and electronic machines this year (no, not for the same election) and I am comfortable either way. BTW, we have the double paper trail machines, they print EVERYTHING that happens on the machine.

Hope ya get well quickly Leslie!
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 11/4/2008, 8:28 PM
well, to those of you who got your feathers ruffled, calm down, I guess I thought that I could poke fun at a group that was working with a clearly flawed logic, of paying someone by the number of registrants they got, but I guess it was too sensitive of a topic.

Calm down and just laugh at a little joke, and accept my apologies for touching on what is apparently a touchy subject.

blink3times wrote on 11/4/2008, 8:46 PM
It's all a moot issue now. Like it or not...Obamma is now your new President. Mcain just gave his loser speech.
Coursedesign wrote on 11/4/2008, 8:48 PM
Obama got 92% of the vote in D.C. (District of Columbia)

That's significantly more than anywhere else. Anyone have any insight into why?

blink3times wrote on 11/4/2008, 9:15 PM
They last 8 years maybe?
busterkeaton wrote on 11/4/2008, 9:22 PM
Who lives in the District of Columbia? Groups who support Obama overwhelmingly.

1. African-Americans
2. White Liberals. (I bet this demographic skews overwhelmingly young too which would make it the three groups that supported Obama most strongly. I bet they are also very well-educated which would make four groups.)

If you work in D.C. and are Republican, you most likely live outside of D.C.
Rory Cooper wrote on 11/4/2008, 9:56 PM

We don’t need to vote

The winner of our forthcoming elections has already been announced

Some live in the promised land the rest of us live in the land of promises