sound quality changes

genosam wrote on 10/8/2008, 4:36 AM
Hi All,
After I'm done with my songs with ACID Pro6 I'm trying to burn them using CDA. But, in CDA songs sound completely different then in the Pro6. All trebles disappear and stay only bass and mids although I'm not touching my eq. settings at all. Same settings while I'm working on the song in Pro6 and the same in CDA but in CDA looks like somebody messed up with my equalizer. Does anybody notice that? Why is that? And how to fix it?
I'd appreciate your help,
Thanks a lot


pmooney wrote on 10/8/2008, 6:30 AM
Are the sound card settings the same for both programs?

That could explain the difference.
genosam wrote on 10/8/2008, 8:00 AM
Don't wanna look stupid but I didn't check on it yet))) after I installed CDA thought it automatically gets my card's setting and didn't think about making sure. Thanks a lot for reply pmooney, I'll try one.
genosam wrote on 10/8/2008, 10:41 AM
I've checked my CDA it doesn't recognize my ASIO drive (sound card) and there are only two options in there which include MSM & WCWD ((( how can I make it to recognize my sound card I'm working with in Pro 6?
Thanks in advance,