
Nat wrote on 7/30/2008, 1:58 PM
If anyone looks for this, I found the answer here :
johnmeyer wrote on 7/30/2008, 2:01 PM
That was actually Sony's script that I modified years ago so it would create the files using region names.

I grumble about this every time this comes up (you are not the first to have the problem), because Sony breaks most scripts every time it releases a new update. By contrast, I can still run scripts for Excel or Word that I wrote years ago, even those that use a scripting language which Microsoft long ago abandoned. Like most companies, they understand the importance of upward compatibility.

Anyway, rather than just bitch (which I just did), I try to help. Here's a later version of the same script which hopefully will work for you (link good for seven days):

Batch GUI Script with Region Names, modified for Vegas 7

Of course if they broke this again in Vegas 8, I can't help you because even though I have it, I have been reluctant to install it, given all the problems reported over the past nine months.

[Edit] We posted at the same time. The script I posted in that thread is identical to the one you can download from the link above.

[r]Evolution wrote on 7/30/2008, 2:10 PM
If what you're looking to do is Batchrender Regions naming the Output Files the same names as the Region Names (for FREE)... add me to the recipient list also.
This WOULD be a nice feature to have in the Vegas Batchrender Script.

johnmeyer wrote on 7/30/2008, 5:07 PM
What you want is what the script I posted actually does. Try it. That was why I made that set of modifications to the Sony batch script almost five years ago.

[r]Evolution wrote on 7/30/2008, 8:22 PM
Batch GUI Script with Region Names, modified for Vegas 7

I know nothing about Scripting/Writing Code so please forgive my stupidity...
I notice that even if I remove the 'Base File Name' it still names my Files 00_, 01_, 02_, etc.

Firstly... my markers do NOT start with #00 so the naming convention is off to begin with.
(I know, Sony's does this also. It's just as frustrating there too.)
This means that I still have to change the File Name after render.
For example, say I have media on the timeline that may be:
A Bird, An Establishing Shot, My Kid, Cars, Text w/Alpha - A 'Base File Name' is NOT needed... just the Region Name as they will all be named accordingly. I run into this often when I am 'Conforming' media to the same format for use in another app.

- Is it possible in Scripting to just have it name the resulting file the same as the Region name?
I believe the Peachrock VeggieToolkit Script does this as well as the old Roger Magnusson Batch Render Pro Script.
farss wrote on 7/30/2008, 9:15 PM
VeggieToolkit does exactly that and way more.
I can't understand why anyone whose seriously in this game doesn't use it. I paid for it years ago almost as soon as it was released. All updates have been free so not only does it keep up with Vegas the functionality keeps getting better and Randle adds features users request. What a business model. But don't take my word for it, download the free 30 day trial.

Nat wrote on 7/30/2008, 11:12 PM
I'm sure the VeggieToolkit is a great app, but since I only need to render named regions, I don't see myself paying 80$ just for that single feature... Though I could consider it in the future.

Regarding the script prepending 01,02,03 to the filename, I was planning on writing a short python script to get rid of those, let me know if you need it.
johnmeyer wrote on 7/30/2008, 11:20 PM
Just delete the "Append" statements in the section in the script labeled "Pad index number with leading zeros."

Unless you have a reason to do so (other than you just don't like it), I would leave those number alone. I spent quite a bit of time figure out how to do that so that if you import or export regions or use them for any other reason, you can have some way to know the original order in which they appeared on the timeline. This in turn required me to add leading zeros, because some Windows sorting sorts like this: 1, 10, 100, 2, 3, 4, etc. Leading zeros avoids this.

Anyway, if you don't want the leading zeros, you don't need to do anything with python (I'm not sure why you would do it that way). Just delete the append line (actually comment them out in case you have to go back).
farss wrote on 7/30/2008, 11:25 PM
Ypu might find this:
will save you some work.

Nat wrote on 7/31/2008, 7:41 AM
Thanks john, that's nice to know. I'm leaving the leading numbers in the first place so the files can get reviewed easily, but last step will require removing them because the files are for an audioguide device and they need precise naming scheme (there's already a number in the region names) so I'll either modify your script or do it in python (it's 3 lines of code :) )

[r]Evolution wrote on 7/31/2008, 7:26 PM
Just delete the "Append" statements in the section in the script labeled "Pad index number with leading zeros."

Here is the section:
// Pad index number with leading zeros
regionIndex = ( regionIndex < 10 ) ? "0" + regionIndex : regionIndex;

What would I alter if I simply wanted the Script to Name the Rendered Regions EXACTLY what I name them on the timeline without any 00's or _?

example = NO = YES = NO = YES

Would it be as simple as changing the filename of the Script afterwards so I could have the Original Script
jetdv wrote on 8/1/2008, 6:57 AM
Here is the section:

Get rid of the first three lines. Change it to:

// Pad index number with leading zeros

That will get you only the label name without anything appended to the beginning.