Framed Video sliding left to right

WedVidMan wrote on 7/21/2008, 10:28 AM
Need a little help and guidance. I'm attempted to create the effects seen in the movie Definitely Maybe, where at the beginning of the movie, video clips of the main character slide left to right, or right to left, across the screen, within a black window/border. All the clips are the same height, bordered in black, but with different widths. This part is not too hard. The hard part is that all the clips have a black frame around them which moves with the video clip. And, as they slide off the edge of the screen, their individual black frame is maintained, as is the main black border around the outside of total video. Sorry, that I can't explain it better. I tried several methods and I'm wondering, is there an easy/easier way to do this?


Grazie wrote on 7/21/2008, 10:52 AM
Well . ..

I have 2 questions:

1] Have you added a graphics "FRAME" to the Event?

2] When you say that the Events have different widths, are you saying that each media has a different width size?

If you have done what I THINK you have done, I would use the SONY Border Fx for each Event, then the "Border" WOULD disappear WITH the event?

But I could be totally wrong in my understanding of what you have actually done.


WedVidMan wrote on 7/21/2008, 2:36 PM
Grazie, thanks, the Sony Border FX worked wonderfully (after I figured it out). That, plus a rectangle Sony Cookie Cutter "Frame" did the trick. Always helps to take it from a different angle.
Grazie wrote on 7/21/2008, 2:46 PM
eh? Why use the cookie cutter? Want to post send me a Screen Grab? - It still sounds as if you are making too much of it?

But anyway, glad you got going!!

WedVidMan wrote on 7/21/2008, 3:19 PM
I put a solid black media on the top track, and cookie cutted the center I wanted out of it so that I have a solid border on the outer perimeter that stays constant as the video with its own border slides left or right inside the external frame. A little bulky but it does the trick. Darn close to the movie effects I was going for. Screen Grab? Be glad to, if I knew how and how to send it. Not up to speed on grabbing and sending.
Grazie wrote on 7/21/2008, 9:47 PM
You are Cookie Cutting through a Black Overlay? OK, please send me a screen grab of your methodology:

For Screen Grab:

1] Ensure "Num Lock" is on ON, on your keyboard - top left hand corner of your numeric keypad should say "Num Lock"

2] Now Hold down Alt+PrtScr - PrtScr [Print Screen] for me is a button located at the far right of the F keys on the TOP row. PrtScr does exactly that - it takes an image of what is on Screen AT THAT MOMENT and allows us to copy to another piece of software for saving. I guess in the old days of DOS this was how they would PRINT to a printer what was on screen. I think this came from the archaic terms used to define "Print to a programme" prior to carrying over this screen info to literally printing to another device. In the old days this meant PRINTING to the actual SCREEN - not sure and before I get slapped around the head with the equivalent of a DOS-kipper . . I'll move on - lol! ( LOL = larf out load!)

3] Open up any Graphics Editor - Windows comes with one - and simple go PASTE. You should now have an "image" of the area you had within Vegas now being displayed in the Graphics Editor. Name and save this image as JPG or PNG or BMP.

My email is in my specs.

I'm looking forward to seeing it!


WedVidMan wrote on 7/24/2008, 9:02 PM
Grazie, ok I've got the screen grab photo, and I've sent you 2 emails, one with my email address. The sony mailing system doesn't seem to have attachment capability to send the pix. My next step is .....?
Grazie wrote on 7/25/2008, 12:11 AM
No it will not.

However I DID respond to your 2 emails. Did you get them? If you did - I do hope so? - then attach the grabs to one of them?

Correct, we can't attach to SONY sent emails.

Still looking forward to your grabs!

Just responded again to your SONY email . . . ?


Grazie wrote on 7/25/2008, 12:14 AM
Ah! My apologies . . I DIDN'T respond to your email ADDIE in the body of your text. Done it now ... !

Terry Esslinger wrote on 7/25/2008, 12:18 AM
You have a black background and and are using the cookie cutter to open space for a photo?

Why not place the photo on track 1 and a black generated media on track 2 (actually you don't need the generated media as blank is the same as black in most circumstances)

Then reduce the size of the photo using pan/crop. You can then move the photo using pan crop or track ,motion.

Why would you need a black frame around a photo if you have a black background? It would just make the photo smaller, youcouldn't see the border. Uunless they are superimposed partially on one another in which case you use the Sony border Fx.
Grazie wrote on 7/25/2008, 12:28 AM
Yes, Terry, that's why I am trying - badly! - to get hold of some view of Wed's project.

After I suggested the Sony Border Fx, back up there, Wed then said he/she was using a Cookie too.

WedVidMan wrote on 7/29/2008, 10:52 PM
I wanted each video clip to be framed in black. So that you could overlap the videos. For instance, one video sliding left over the other, which might be moving right, up or down. The black frame adds a nice edge or transistion. I also wanted to have the clips not sliding off the edge of the screen/TV, but into a black margin. Bulky, but it works. Can it be done with less? You bet. However, I'm open to suggestions and will see if I can achieve the effects I'm going for by trying your method. Vegas is, to say the least, flexible. Grazie, screen grab sent.
Grazie wrote on 7/30/2008, 1:05 AM
Yup! now I want to see your veggie! - I need my veggies - healthy eating - what? I don't need your media, I can sub my own.

TeetimeNC wrote on 7/30/2008, 7:10 AM
WedVidMan, an easier way to do the sliding videos with borders is to use track motion. Just add 2d glow to the track, set the blur to zero, color to black, and adjust the size to suit. This gives you a nice border that stays with the clip as you move it across the screen via track motion.

*Edit: with "adjust the size to suit" I was referring to the size of the 2d glow. You also have to reduce the size of the video event via track motion. The 2d blur (i.e., frame) will automatically adjust to the size and position of the video event.

WedVidMan wrote on 7/31/2008, 9:52 AM
Terry, Jerry, thanks for your ideas, and I tried both methods and both methods work. However, I did/still have to add an external border to prevent the clips from just sliding off the edge of the screen. I did like Jerrys method best, though, because it was very easy to add a 3D effect to the framed clips by checking the shadows block. A nice touch that I'll add to my video. Thanks all. Grazie, the veg is on its way.