
LarryP wrote on 6/28/2008, 6:40 AM
I have an older version of Ozone (3.02) and most of the time the delay compensation (options->general tab) works. Using Ozone on 1 of 2 tracks I just tried to break the delay compensation in VP8 and couldn't so things do seemed to have improved.

With VP8 one odd problem when Ozone was in the mix on the master fx, among other 3rd party plugs, is that I'll see an occasional pre-echo, something like 200ms. of a track, show up at the beginning of a rendered track where the should be silence. Last time this happened in March were down to the wire on getting masters out to the duplicator so I don't remember what I did to fix it.

Since Forge now comes with an Izotope EQ only plug I usually use that at a track level if needed instead of the 700 pound gorilla that Izotope is.
