How about a scrollable preview window?

farss wrote on 2/25/2008, 2:42 PM
Many is the times I'd like to look at a HD image full raster. If I have a 24" monitor on the system then no problem. If I don't, problem. Set the preview to Full/Best without scaling and yeah it's full raster but we cannot scroll around the image. Sometimes you need to do that. Having to grab a frame and open another app to look at it is a bit of a PIA.



Chienworks wrote on 2/25/2008, 3:07 PM
Jim H wrote on 2/25/2008, 3:08 PM
ditto...even on my dual screen set up I can't grow the windo to see it all. When I really want to see something I take a snapshot.
Sol M. wrote on 2/26/2008, 11:56 AM
Another vote here.

Would be very nice to be able to view media at full rez and click and drag the image around to position a portion of the image in the preview window.
UlfLaursen wrote on 2/26/2008, 11:58 AM
See your point, Bob - my vote too :)

Joeybear wrote on 2/27/2008, 8:28 PM
Here's another vote for the idea. I run into the same problem when I'm creating text and graphics animations on top of the video. I like to see the stuff full scale against the video to see if I need to tweak.