
ForumAdmin wrote on 1/23/2008, 8:35 AM
Using audio waveforms as parameters to effects is currently not directly supported by Vegas.

It may be possible to read the audio data using your own file reader and use it to adjust envelopes, track motion, or some other scriptable property. But individual parameters of video effects and transitions are not scriptable in Vegas.
jetdv wrote on 1/23/2008, 8:53 AM
While not doable via a script, it *may* be possible to somewhat simulate this.

If you use the Blue Cat Peak Meter control, it can draw an envelope when you play back the timeline based on the volume level. Once the envelope is drawn, you could the COPY that envelope (or use a script to read the envelope points) and paste/write them to a video envelope (like a composite envelope - for example) and then that would basically be controlled via the waveform.