
riredale wrote on 9/17/2007, 8:49 AM
My wife is 100% Norwegian--does that count?
birdcat wrote on 9/17/2007, 9:51 AM
My oldest son is Asatru - Does that count?
teaktart wrote on 9/17/2007, 10:33 AM
My parents immigrated from Norway in 1950 and I was their
"oops, born in America"....kid
Would that count?

TheHappyFriar wrote on 9/17/2007, 10:41 AM
hey fellas... come on.... no Scamdinavians! ;)
TorS wrote on 9/17/2007, 12:20 PM
I am not a part of this thing, but I am Scandinavian (from Stavanger, Norway). And my vote is:
Riredale: your wife should be able to enter. Not you.
Birdcat: Asatru is a good try, but no, too old. Can't see anyone in the Asatru making videos that anyone without the Asatru would want to watch.
Teaktart: 'Oops' children are as good as any. You're in.
Tor (the god of thunder)
MRe wrote on 9/17/2007, 10:21 PM
Now, the question here is: which countries to include to Scandinavia? Scandinavian peninsula includes (only) Denmark, Sweden and Norway, which will leave out Finland, Iceland and Faroe Islands.

On the other hand, linguistically and culturally Iceland and Faroe Islands can be included in Scandinavia (language is based on the same root language).

And we Finns are usually counted in to Scandinavia (Fenno-Scandia) because we have a very long (love/hate) relationship with Sweden and we were part of Sweden hundreds of years. But we have still our own distinct language, which should rule us out.

Anyway, Finland is part of Nordic countries. So, is this for Scandinavian only or for Nordic?
riredale wrote on 9/17/2007, 10:26 PM
How about including people who talk like the people in the movie "Fargo" and/or those who have said "Oofta" more than once in their lives?
MH_Stevens wrote on 9/17/2007, 11:27 PM
My wife's second cousin went to a smorgasbord once; does that count me in?
TorS wrote on 9/18/2007, 4:02 AM
Oofta is good! Where in Norway is she from your wife, the South-West?
UlfLaursen wrote on 9/18/2007, 4:14 AM
Hi Tor,

Where a you from? I'm from Denmark. In the company where I work (an IT distributor) we have an office in Kristansand.

birdcat wrote on 9/18/2007, 5:23 AM
>Asatru is a good try, but no, too old. Can't see anyone in the Asatru making videos that anyone without the Asatru would want to watch.

How about the fact that he owns two drinking horns and a copy of "The Thirteenth Warrior" (watches it at least once a month)?

C'mon - Give a guy a break here!
TorS wrote on 9/18/2007, 7:42 AM
TWO drinking horns! He's an Asatru fundamentalist, then.

I'm from Stavanger, Ulf, but live currently in Antananarivo, Madagascar. (My wife is a petrolueum expert, working for the government in Madagascar on a program paid for by Norway. The aim is to help Madagascar set up a petroleum policy that is sustainable and benefits the people.) Me and the girls just tag along. Being a writer/composer it doesn't matter that much where I work as long as there is internet.

If you can read a little Norwegian, check out the family blog at

riredale wrote on 9/18/2007, 10:07 AM
Couldn't read a single word of the blog, but liked the photos. Reminded me a little bit of my time in Ethiopia back in the '70's (relatively close to Madagascar on a globe, anyway).

Don't know much about my wife's Norwegian heritage but (1) she drinks a LOT of coffee, (2) her family is very quiet and stoic (maybe those long winters altered the genes), and (3) the entire family is highly educated, with Masters and PhD's all about. Her uncle was recently chancellor of UC Berkeley (Bob Berdahl).
teaktart wrote on 9/18/2007, 11:04 AM
Did you know that here in America we do have a beer called
"Ya Sure You Betcha" ?

Marketed to stubborn Norweigians no doubt....

MSmart wrote on 9/18/2007, 4:38 PM
Lutefisk and Herring lovers unite!

I must qualify although I'm only a "halfbreed". Mom Sweedish, dad Swiss.
jwcarney wrote on 9/18/2007, 5:16 PM
Hey, I shop at IKEA all the time, does that count?