
CineGobs wrote on 9/10/2007, 4:11 PM
I tried with some files from the Panasonic DX1 and they worked fine in V8 but not in V7.

Spot|DSE wrote on 9/10/2007, 4:12 PM
Canon, Sony, and *some* of the Panasonic camera files.
busterkeaton wrote on 9/10/2007, 4:35 PM
Why is that?

Is the AVCHD spec wide open? Are they all employing different flavors of AVCHD?
Eugenia wrote on 9/10/2007, 5:38 PM
Yeah, not all AVCHD cameras are the same, the spec is not exactly bulletproof... I'd give it 2-3 more years before the market is really mature for AVCHD capture and editing.
4eyes wrote on 9/10/2007, 5:59 PM
I agree about 2+ years for full compatibility. But you can make it work now. I know that when I probe a m2ts file made in a Sony cam it has 1-video track, 1-5.1_Audio Track & 1-additional Audio track. I think the additional audio track contains sub-title information that displays the time/date of the clip.

Probe the avchd file: -> ffmpeg -i xxxx.m2ts ( xxxx.mts ), read the output.
I can use ffmpeg to convert the avc.m2ts (h264/dolby_5.1) files I create on the computer to another format.
FFMpeg generates a segmentation fault when trying to convert the sony cams m2ts files, don't know why.
But, if you take the m2t/m2ts or mts files from a Sony avchd cam, insert them into VMS8_Plat and render as 1080i hd-mpeg2 or cineformhd1080i the program does an excellent conversion.

Someone just posted that they loaded other avchd files into Vegas 8, I'll have to try out the trial version, this would be nice.