Motion in Video is not smooth

jkb242 wrote on 4/20/2007, 6:51 PM
I am sure there is at one, maybe many reasons for the effect I am seeing from a project I just fiinished in Vegas. I am using Window Media Player to view the rendered uncompressed AVI file

Original video was NTSC and the template used to make the 740-480 uncompresssed video was basically an NTSC DV template but set for uncompressed outup and a pixel ratio of 1:1 (end product is to be a WMV file for PC viewing.

The video is all close-up shots of a person using tools to perform a training demonstration. What I am noticing is less than smooth fluid movements in the video whenever there is quick movement of the hands and or tools. It is not exactly jerky just a bit of lag or presistance somewhat trailing the movement. This happens very quickly and is not be confused with a ghost image. The observed effect is one that is not smooth. The is not in the original footage or in the VEG file when playing and watching it on the preview window. I intend to take the uncompresed AVI and convert it to WMV but before going further, could anyone point me to some things to check that may be causing this?

I shall appreciate any assistance that can be offered.




Chienworks wrote on 4/20/2007, 6:55 PM
The problem is mostly likely that it is uncompressed. That's a HUGE amount of data to process. Your hard drives probably can't feed the file to media player fast enough for full frame rate playback.

Just curious, but why didn't you render directly to WMV to begin with?
jkb242 wrote on 4/20/2007, 7:08 PM
Thanks so very much for your very quick answer!

Maybe it is just my feeling but the main reason is that I wanted to use a third party compression tool like Sorenson Squeez to experiment with a few different codecs in achieving best results.

I will like used one of the higher higher data rate codecs like the 1Mb/sec WMV since everyone has Windows Media player. Now a a question I have for you based on the playback of the uncompressed file. The file is about 4Gb and about what you would expect to see playing back a DVD. I realize DVD format requires MPEG 2 compression for compliance but do you feel that because my file in uncompressed, this could actually be an issue?

Thanks again for you prompt and valued input!

Chienworks wrote on 4/20/2007, 7:12 PM
It's not the 4GB that matters. It's that you're trying to play back the whole 4GB in about 2 minutes 18 seconds. Your hard drives can't move that many bytes that quickly. With a typical commercial DVD you'd spend 90 to 120 minutes playing back that much data. Compared to uncomrpessed playback, playing a DVD pretty much leaves your computer idle.
jkb242 wrote on 4/20/2007, 7:16 PM
I see what you are saying. I want to emphasize again that the effect I am seeing is more like a rapid persistance, almost like ghosting but not that pronounced.

Do you feel that this is likely not to show up when compressed to the final 320X240 WMV file?

Chienworks wrote on 4/20/2007, 7:17 PM
I'm pretty sure you'll be fine when you render it to just about any other format.
jkb242 wrote on 4/20/2007, 7:31 PM
Much thanks again for this input and for such prompt attention.
