
malowz wrote on 4/2/2007, 1:11 PM
remembers me adobe creative suite...
cheroxy wrote on 4/2/2007, 2:47 PM
Very observant
farss wrote on 4/2/2007, 2:51 PM
There's not even so much as a press release covering it.
Don't think the use of the word "creative" adds anything, rather it sounds kind of twee. After all if the software is creative, why does it need us?
apit34356 wrote on 4/2/2007, 4:25 PM
I have seen this on and off for a couple months now, mostly in background tech news blogs. It appears more for retail customer impact than pro market, but it can't hurt. The first time I saw it, I though retail, but then heard about some rumors about Sony's ENG people working more with SMS staff. But people complaining about cross division work / job assignments usually needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The PSP3 and PSP product interconnection probably is higher on the job queue than ENG.
There are millions of this units that need "content" vs live feed from ENG hardware or a 64 bit pipeline,( we'll take 32bit).
TheHappyFriar wrote on 4/2/2007, 6:33 PM
i noticed that too.

So how many companies have owned the software since SF sold it? 4, 5? :)

busterkeaton wrote on 4/2/2007, 9:05 PM
Friar, at first I thought the answer was one, but yeah, you're right. :)

So what will be the first Sony Creative Software product? Sound Forge 9?

Notice the new logo on the front of the page? Did they merge with New Blue FX?
jaydeeee wrote on 4/3/2007, 1:23 AM
is this topic, off-topic?
apit34356 wrote on 4/3/2007, 1:51 AM
Sony Creative Software is managing the marketing of Blu-print....... so, maybe they will be given the new and secret mobile "XPRI" 32bit pipeline and a few internal graphic products from Sony movie. If you can buy Blu-print or lease it, vegas or FCP probably is not the source editor.