-- Elegant (and Affordable) Text FX Plugins?

Soniclight wrote on 3/28/2007, 7:37 AM

Some 3rd party and/or plug in type app that someone on a very limited/non-company budget can afford. I know I can do quite a bit of post effects with text in Vegas, so I'm looking for what I can't do in Vegas 6, then do the post stuff.

As one example:

--- Below is a link to a short stills-images based mini-short with white "dialog" text overlay . This is from a seemingly popular inspirational (but not denominational or preachy) project called "Interview with God"..

The text effect is consistent throughout, so you don't have to see the whole thing. I'm also not exactly interested in that one per se (letters spin/close on themselves before fade-out).

Yet its understated elegance is the general feel I'm seeking:

--- A sense of being alive but not too busy because my project is to have a similar read-in-real-time format at the example cited.

Thanks for any referrals.



Spot|DSE wrote on 3/28/2007, 8:05 AM
Those could be done in Swish, or even straight in Vegas using the Blinds transition while moving the text with either pan/crop or in the text generator/positional keyframe.

Bluff Titler is a great tool, lo-cost, easy to use.
SwishMax is a great tool, cheap and easy.
Soniclight wrote on 3/28/2007, 8:24 AM
OK, thanks, I'll check 'em out**. In case others are interested in this "for the little people with no corporate budget" thread topic:

--- I also just found the albeit older (Vegas 4) VASST "Text Motion and Decoration" by MFranco. Not directly related to what I'm seeking, but I popped the .veg file in and there is definitely some interesting stuff to study and apply in one's own ways

"Text Motion and Decoration"

** Later edit: BuffTiler may be better suited for me since I want to work in Vegas for any format. SwishMax seems to be Flash only and far more expensive. I already have the standard On2 Flix 8 encoder, so I don't need another Flash tool.
Spot|DSE wrote on 3/28/2007, 9:32 AM
Remember that Vegas will import swf files...There are cheaper versions of Swish as well.
farss wrote on 3/28/2007, 4:56 PM
As I've come to realise the best text starts with good fonts, no matter how you dress up a dinky font it's still a dinky font.
Unfortunately all the really good fonts seem to cost serious money.

Soniclight wrote on 3/28/2007, 11:43 PM
Thanks for further replies.

As far as importing swf into Vegas, that could come in handy, but since swf is already so compressed, not the best thing when working on the original work.

Fonts: I've never had a problem for I have more than I really need and end up using mostly the same batch of sans serifs, i.e. Avant Guarde (also called Century Gothic) and such for easy to read text.

The less heavy-handed the font style, the better the readin' 'xxperience IMO.
jaydeeee wrote on 3/29/2007, 1:14 PM
Just use the blinds as another suggested. In fact, I'd put a small bet that this movie was made with vegas or Premiere.