
wazer wrote on 12/11/2006, 4:08 PM
.. if this is the "correct forum", then


but i really don't think so.. (there is a Vegas alternative for audio.. R....r has folders and a lot more - and some less)

sorry for my pessimism about Vegas..

Angels wrote on 12/12/2006, 2:09 PM

It is true that your reap what you sow.

Peter Vred wrote on 12/13/2006, 11:17 AM
What in the world are you talking about?
randygo wrote on 12/13/2006, 2:19 PM

Don't fear the R****r.
ziggly wrote on 12/14/2006, 8:36 PM
Ha ha ha
nice thread, good for a laugh (I read the above and had a good one)
although I wish all the recent audio requests would be treated as important
but anyways thanks for the chuckle.. :)

by the way Angeles are you over at the other forum?
(if so what name?)
I always regarded you posts as intelligent.
not to mention the fact that your suggestions would certainly contribute
to the progress of a certain rapidly developing application…


I will go out on a limb here
and say that any particular feature (not including video)
if suggested, and if others added their voice in agreement
would probably make it into the *said application* by version 2.5
(and that would be at the