Where's the audio recording?

eyethoughtso wrote on 11/19/2006, 8:55 PM
I've been using Vegas 6 and switched to Vegas 7b. This is my first attempt at recording for a narration into a track. I did okay in V6 but I don't understand why I'm not seeing anything in the track I just recorded. I see the meter moving when I speak. I arm the track, and press the play arrow. Am I forgetting a step?


farss wrote on 11/19/2006, 8:58 PM
press the Record Icon in the Transport Control.
Serena wrote on 11/19/2006, 9:00 PM
Did you arm the track AND activate the record button?
eyethoughtso wrote on 11/19/2006, 9:03 PM
Wow! that was quick.
I just found the record button in the transport. Thanks.
Because I use Sound forge, I was used to pressing the R for record. I just saw the it is Control-R. Thanks again for the speedy replies.
