Crop 4:3 to 16:9?

AnnieK wrote on 10/8/2006, 10:52 PM
I have found this forum helpful in the past, but never posted a question. I hope y'all can help.

Our small project is using dv footage from a variety of sources - but the majority (80%) is in 16:9. Our preferred project setting is NTSC Widescreen, using Vegas 6.0. In this mode, you already know the the 4:3 footage will have black bars, left and right.

I hoped the pan/crop event would let me select of 4:3 clip, and "fill screen" to the width, AND maintain the aspect ration, resulting in an "automatic" even crop of the top and bottom of the frame. But I could not make this work, it just seems to zoom in and out. So - is what I want possible? Am I missing some easy way to do this? Am I using the pan/crop incorrectly? Or am I out of luck? Thanks.

p.s. (apologies for posting a duplicate on the DVDA forum)


PeterWright wrote on 10/9/2006, 12:21 AM
In Pan/Crop, you can right click and select Match Output Aspect - if the Project is Widecsreen, this should give you the crop you need - it will start in the vertical centre but you can slide it up or down if preferred.
AlistairLock wrote on 10/9/2006, 2:14 AM
When you say the picture seems to zoom in and out, what might be happening is that you now have two keyframes on the clip.

One is the 16:9 preset you added, and the other is the original default 4:3.

As the clip plays, the pan/crop will "morph" from 4:3 to 16:9 or vice versa.

Make sure you have one keyframe per clip in the 16:9 format.
(Or place your cursor on the one keyframe, then on the pan crop window, right click and select "match output aspect"

Hope this helps.
MohammeD T wrote on 10/9/2006, 8:30 AM
i use PeterWright sugestion, just right click on the Pan Crop screen and point to match project output, but if you want an even easier way for many events transfomed to 16:9, use Ultimate S from
AnnieK wrote on 10/10/2006, 9:36 PM
Thank you all for replying. The "match output aspect" is what I was looking for. With all the right-clicking we do, it's hard to fathom why I never rc'd the event once pan-crop had opened it...thanks so much for the tip, have a good - whatever it is where you are!