Vegas 7 Crashes on MPG2 Render

jeffk wrote on 9/29/2006, 3:57 PM
Just wondering if anyone else has had any problems rendering MPG2 from Vegas 7?

I have a 2hr PAL DV widescreen timeline with five nested projects and some colour correction. There are no third party plugins in use (although there is one installed - Boris RED 4). When I try to render to MPG2 I get to the 40% mark and Vegas crashes. Three attempts later, I'm still crashing at exactly the same spot.

Looking at the timeline, I can't see anything at that point that I think could be causing an issue and I've tried various MPG export presets...

Any thoughts?


midiaxer wrote on 9/29/2006, 6:51 PM
Any error message/details?
RBartlett wrote on 9/29/2006, 11:26 PM
You could try to render to Sony YUV in case the previous project render is impacted by a failing in the MainConcept encoder or the interfacing between the front-door of that encoder and the back-door of the Vegas "vision mixer".

(You could equally use DV or uncompressed - but I'm guessing your source is of fantastic quality and that you are constrained by disc space even if only to some extent)