
bnjenter wrote on 7/13/2006, 10:15 AM
This happens to me occasionally - that is when I forget to do what I know I need to do. After I make the regions I want to use in CDA, I go to the Regions List window (accessible from the veiw menu) and delete all the marks I've placed in the file, with the exception of the regions themselves. I hope that's clear - Leave the regions - delete the marks. Then I go to the file menu and Export to CD Archetect. Hope this helps.
Bob wrote on 7/14/2006, 9:51 AM
Thanks for yout reply.
I will go and try this to see if it works for me.

What I left out after thinking about it was, While recording an hour long lecture we insert markers at points along the way.
We then use the convert markers to regions tool in SF8. We then use the export to CDA tool in SF8 and thats where our fun begins. What we are left with is too long for CD burn and not what we hoped for. I hope I'm being clear on our proceedures.