Capture Video - No Device Detected

midiaxer wrote on 7/10/2006, 1:13 PM
I've been using Vegas 4 for several years. I recently upgraded a new pc monitor (ViewSonic VX2025wm) and before I did I downloaded new drivers etc. for my video card. Now I can't video capture in Vegas?
When I launch the video capture window it says "'ATI T200 AVStream Analog Capture' could not be opened. Please make sure it is turned on and is not being used by another application." Also at the bottom of the capture window it says Device Not Detected.
My camera is turned on, and everything is plugged in like it has been before. I opened Windows Movie Maker and tested camera connection and it works there just fine using the ATI T200 AVStream Analog Capture.
In Vegas / Options / Preferences / Video Device, I have three options and none of them help. 1. none, 2. OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394/DV, 3. Video for Windows Standard.
Must be something simple, but I can't figure it out. Please help.


Jayster wrote on 7/10/2006, 1:46 PM
As I'm sure you are aware, the "ATI ... could not be opened" means it is trying to use your video card's capture instead of the FW out to your camera. What kind of camera do you have? Seems like you need to get Vegas to capture from the camera instead of the video card. When I launch the capture utility ("external", for SD captures) it gives me a choice of devices and I see the ATI one too, but I select the camera instead. Of course the camera (mine is a Sony Z1) must be set to downconvert to SD if I'm attempting to capture SD.

If you have an HD camera and are wanting to capture HD video, then you must use the "internal" capture utility and you must make sure your camera is NOT downconverting.

If any of the settings on your camera are wrong, you'll get a "not detected" error.
midiaxer wrote on 7/10/2006, 2:54 PM
I have been using an old Sony Handycam for years. I still can't get it to work. I can't choose the device or detect it. I works in two other programs but not in Vegas, telling me the cam is hooked up and on.
Jayster wrote on 7/10/2006, 3:13 PM
Unless you are seeing it from within the actual capture application, the "Video Device" preferences setting in Vegas that you are referring to is for selecting an output display for previews, not capture.

You said that it works in two other programs. Does it work in them at this moment? Also, when you plug in the device, if everything is set right windows will probably popup a dialog and ask you what to do with it. Usually this device will ask you to select a capture device. Does this happen?
midiaxer wrote on 7/10/2006, 4:03 PM
Yes the cam works in the other two programs right now. I even tried downloading the trial version of Sony movie studio and same problem there.
Nothing happens when I unplug or plug in the cam.
Something changed when I installed new drivers for the ATI. Maybe I should do a system restore back a few days and see what happens?
Jayster wrote on 7/10/2006, 4:12 PM
I opened Windows Movie Maker and tested camera connection and it works there just fine using the ATI T200 AVStream Analog Capture.
So you're saying the other software worked using a device called ATI T200 ...?

That would be your video card. If other programs are actually capturing video off the camera using a connection called ATI T200 then it sounds like something is screwed up in the windows registry or, at any rate, your PC is possibly confused as to which is which. The fact that nothing happens when you plug in your camera (you should at least hear windows make a sound) is telling.

One thing you could do, temporarily, with the camera disconnected is go into the device manager and disable (not delete) the video card's capture capability. This is from a WDM driver. Then see what happens when you insert/remove your camera. This might not change anything... If you delete that guy, it'll reinstall when you reboot and look for the video driver, probably self-install. Which might be a good thing.

For sure, if you install/reinstall your video driver don't have the camera connected.
midiaxer wrote on 7/11/2006, 9:56 AM
I did a system restore back to before I upgraded video drivers from ATI and now everything works fine. Thanks for your help Jayster.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 7/11/2006, 10:59 AM
did you update the wdm drivers along with the card drivers? What what version did you roll back to?
Abcdefg wrote on 8/31/2017, 10:35 AM

I'm having this same problem where the camera can not be found (it's a Sony FX7). Similarly, it happened right after I updated the driver. Is there any way to fix this without doing a system restore?

fr0sty wrote on 8/31/2017, 11:26 AM

You can do a driver rollback from the device manager. You should be able to rick click on the device in the device manager window to access the rollback option, if not, look in the properties or driver update menus.



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