DSE if you're listening...or others...

RedEyeRob wrote on 11/25/2005, 6:29 PM
I'm looking for a USB/firewire box for audio recording for voiceovers and occasional music recording for use with Vegas. I know you have reviewed the M-Audio firewire 410. I'm choosing between the M Audio and the MBox and the Presonus Firebox and they are all the same price right now, $300. or maybe the MAudio SOLO I've read that that units mic pre is the best of the bunch even though it's cheaper. Which one is preferred. Short answer is fine. If you want to expound feel free.


adowrx wrote on 11/25/2005, 6:56 PM
At that price, if you are getting LE, there is no point NOT to get the mbox if you are only doing VO's.
RedEyeRob wrote on 11/25/2005, 7:12 PM
I will probably use Vegas more than Pro Tools so looking for the best hardware...although I have never tried Pro Tools, I just didnt want to learn more software...but also I've read the Mbox latency is worse than M-Audio and that the MAudio preamps may be better than the MBox...but like you said ProTools LE has value that I might discover later
RedEyeRob wrote on 11/25/2005, 8:08 PM
DSE answered me on the VU forum. Thanks brother.