Reduce interlace flicker

JackWhite wrote on 11/13/2005, 4:38 AM
I have edited a lside show in Vegas 6 and put the "reduce interlace" switch on all the images. I rendered that out to an mpeg file. I'm now using DVD 3 for the first time and not that ther ei salso an option to reuce interlace flicker on the video track I have imprtoed. Shoudl I click this as well or, as I have already reduced interlace in Vegas, sholld I leave this alone? Woudl doing it twcie reduce image quality or will it have no efefct if I have already reduceed inetrlace in Vegas?



TheHappyFriar wrote on 11/13/2005, 6:23 AM
don't know. i'd sugget making a DVD with one clip with the vid straight out of Vegas & the other with reduce flicker put on the clip as well.
johnmeyer wrote on 11/13/2005, 8:30 AM
I am pretty sure you don't need it in DVDA if you've used it in Vegas.
snicholshms wrote on 11/13/2005, 9:15 PM
Use Reduce Interlace Flicker very sparingly. It "softens" the image. More than once and the image can look downright "fuzzy."