OT: The Finish Line!

Jessariah67 wrote on 8/11/2005, 4:52 PM
Just delivered the "final" of my first feature film to my producer. Private screening on Sunday, then off to the land of producer's reps. What a long, tedious emotional rollercoaster...

I've said it before, but I can't OVER-state it...special thanks to Jay Gladwell as well as Spot, Mannie & John at VASST and all those who have answered questions along the way. All the support & input has been appreciated.

I posted it in a previous post, but if you missed the trailer, you can see it here: Hi Rez | Lo Rez

This is great community. Hats off to all of you and thanks again.



Chilivonhaus wrote on 8/12/2005, 1:48 AM
Great trailer! As I said before on one of your other posts, I'd fork over $$ to see it on the big screen, or at least DVD.

What hardware/softare was used to make the trailer ? Excellent quality pic at ~500kbps bit rate.