Wouldn't logging in Vegas VidCap be great...

michael_morlan wrote on 8/5/2005, 9:50 PM
...if it were simpler to enter the timecode for take after take?

I remember using an Abekas A34 in the bad old days of linear editing. I could enter time-code to submit edit points so fast and easy. Several things streamlined the process that it would be great to see in VidCap as well.

1. I didn't have to enter "punctuation." The system understood if I entered "100" I meant "00:00:01;00" If I entered "35920" it accepted "00:03:59;20"

2. I could do simple math in time code. If I entered "+25" it added 25 frames to the existing timecode.

3. After performing a cut, the former out-point automatically became the new in-point, thus saving the drudgery of entering it again.

4. When I began typing, the old time-code would disappear and the field clear for a new entry. I didn't have to select the entire entry to overwrite it. VidCap fields should be all highlighted by default when I tab to them.

Microsoft has one thing right with its Office applications. They do the job of meeting you halfway. If I enter part of a date or time when scheudling a meeting in Outlook, it understands what I mean and completes the entry for me. It would be nice to see some improvements to the most tedious of tasks in video editing. With that in mind:

5. VidCap should recognize the take numbering system *I* am using and increment that accordingly rather than demanding a 3-digit zero-padded number for the next cut.

Just some ideas to make an already excellent production tool even better.


Michael Morlan

[added later]

P.S. Oh! And one more thing. Why can't I log without a deck attached and tape in the deck? Entry fields and operational buttons are disabled if I'm not actually ready to capture video.


filmy wrote on 8/6/2005, 12:50 AM
Didn't we have this dicussion a short time ago? Maybe it wasn't this *excat* topic but I rememebr it was about TC and vegas and the thread talked about the whole ";" and ":" concept and EDL's and why one couldn't enter in capture TC.....

Maybe do a search?
michael_morlan wrote on 8/6/2005, 8:44 AM
Thanks Filmy. I did a brief search before posting. This is meant, more, as an open letter to the Vegas dev team.


But, I feel like an idiot now. I just tried entering "3093300" in my in-point and it took.

Hmm. Must be hallucenating.

One other note though. Allow the [enter] keys to forward the cursor to the next field. It would be great to simply enter two timecodes with my right hand on the numeric keypad.
Spot|DSE wrote on 8/6/2005, 10:35 AM
Just for giggles, you might try out the "StoryLoom" software for logging and storyboarding. Very sweet tool
Marco. wrote on 8/6/2005, 11:25 AM
Thanks for this hint. StoryLoom looks quite interesting. Any infos when the pro version might be available?
