V6 summary so far

Rednroll wrote on 4/19/2005, 11:33 PM
If you've been keeping score of all the posts regarding Vegas 6, here's my summary of the new features status so far.
Also, I heard if you if you hold the SHIFT key, and then go to the menu item OPTIONS>PREFERENCES>INTERNAL TAB, while having your tongue firmly pressed against your video monitor and then set the interal preference of "Revert Back to Vegas 5" set to TRUE, then most of these problems are cleared up.

New Features:
1. Comprehensive HDV support optimized for the new Sony HVR-Z1U and HDR-FX1 cameras and the HVR-M1OU HDV VTR deck
-Previous Cineform is better
Reference Post:

2. SD/HD SDI capture, editing and export using Blackmagic Design DeckLink™ boards
-Doesn't work properly and not fully functional
Reference Posts:

3. Enhanced multi-processor support resulting in faster renders
-seems to be debatable, the jury is split
Reference Posts:

4. Superior frame rate conversions (ie. 1080i to 720-24p and 1080-24p WMV HD)
-Status unknown

5. Next-generation DVI/VGA external monitoring tools
-Monitoring on VGA/DVI monitor works great.
Rerence Posts:

6. Project nesting
-Causes major performance hit, nesting a project within a project compared to playing the original project by itself causes slow playback.
Reference Posts:

7. AAF import/export
-Doesn't function properly
Reference Posts:

8. System-wide media asset management
-Causes lock ups,a performance hit, security risk concerns,inaccurate preview icons.
Reference Posts:

9. VST audio effect support
-Still trying to figure the feature out and find the free VST plugs on the net.
Reference Posts:

10. Broadcast WAV (BWF) import and arrange
-Import only disappointment, functional status unkinown

11. Playhead timeline scrubbing
-Not functioning properly
Reference Posts:

12. Editing enhancements
-Still being looked for and still problematic
Reference Posts:


Spheris wrote on 4/20/2005, 1:29 AM
13 - At least 3 Broken video plugins on the video side (no check on the audio end yet - but I'm sure at least a few are there as well if luck holds as it has)

sharpen - blurs
film effect - static image overlay only
zoom - erratic behavior at best
broadcast colors - questionable output - unconfirmed
klyon wrote on 4/20/2005, 3:15 AM
I just finished playing a show and am in no condition to post, but this thread brings up my latent hostility regarding this whole fiasco.
The new Vegas update is a farce. Sony/SF's answerability to their customers is a joke.
I'm sad about it, but there it is.
But -- and here's a revealing thought -- another post talks about how if Sonar 4 only had mouse wheel zoom the poster would buy it.
A good point.
Well, I bought Sonar 3 when Vegas 5 didn't have Rewire or VSTi's, which were absolutely necessary for my work (rent, food, little things like that...)
I immediately let Cakewalk know exactly how important mouse wheel zoom was to my workflow. I wasn't the only one.
Sonar 4?
No mousewheel zoom. What a simple, obvious thing to do.
So I checked out Tracktion. Fabulous design, amazing coding, super efficient audio engine. Rewire, VSTi's. Mouse wheel zoom.
But it had a horrific bussing setup. Bad for mixing; horrible for aux sends and many basic mixing functions. Lots of bugs in the rack/PDC setup, as well as in file handling and other places.
I let them know.
Tracktion 2?
One stupid, unneccessary addition after another: colored midi notes, color scheme editor, etc.. Stupid shit that no one who makes music for a living would ever care about. The bussing system still sucks. The racks still add latency.
Bottom line?
Software developers make programs, not music.
Too bad they don't listen to people who have to scrape their bottom line from that bottom line.
gjn wrote on 4/20/2005, 4:22 AM
But when do you go to understand that " vegas " it is for the video?

There is an exellente quality audio.but it is above all for the video.

Look at "audition". It is better and cheaper.
Either wait " acid 6!!!! ".
H2000 wrote on 4/20/2005, 8:37 AM
Well, hopefully the consumer versions of these programs will keep them afloat. At this rate people are going to be bailing on the high end and I don't think the big boys at the corporation will be too happy.
drbam wrote on 4/20/2005, 11:20 AM
So I'm curious if there are any audio only folks now using Vegas 6 if so how about some reports? So far I haven't read anything here other than disappointment, valid complaints and what appears to be a bunch of us thinking about jumping ship and looking elsewhere. Are there any user reports other than the beta-testers. . . something like a real customer? If not, this will indeed be a first and hopefully Sony will take notice. This is day 3 and usually by this time there's a great deal of posting from actual users. Interesting. . .

Rednroll wrote on 4/20/2005, 12:04 PM
Well, I for one am an audio user and wasn't on the beta team. I have no incentative to upgrade to v6.0. This was the eye opener release that we all needed. Vegas is not for us audio users. It can not play on both sides of the fence and claim to be a professional all solution "multimedia" program. Version 6.0 made me actually start to save up my pennies and start looking at Sonar 4.0. I will download the demo of Sonar soon and start to get use to it's workflow and continue to use V5 in the meantime. My only hope to continue on the Sony playground is for Acid 6.0 to take on the Vegas audio features, but I have high doubts there from listening to Peter's statements in these forums, so I am not going to hold my breath any longer and count on that. Maybe someone will wake up and make it happen for Acid, or maybe I'll grow acustomed to Sonar's loop sequencing tools and use Sonar for that purpose also. Sound Forge, will be the only true Sony staple in my arsenal otherwise.
randygo wrote on 4/20/2005, 12:15 PM

It is worthwhile checking out the Sonar 4 demo. As I said in another post, I was pleasantly surprised when I gave it a run-through last night.

At present the Sonar 4 audio track editor is closer to what I had expected from Vegas by now. Sonar just needs scroll-wheel zoom and it will be 99% of the way to a true Vegas replacement.

There seems to be a lively discussion on the Sonar fora regarding getting Sonar to be more Vegas-like. Perhaps Cakewalk will be more receptive to Sony's customers' requests than Sony itself will.

PipelineAudio wrote on 4/20/2005, 3:12 PM
rednroll, before you do ANYTHING else on sonar, go to one of their 500,000 option windows and search for the "import keyboard shortcuts" or whatever it is called. Then import the vegas keystrokes. This will save you hours of frustration, so that you can instead spend hours saying "this is cool, but what MIDIot designed the audio features here?"
Rednroll wrote on 4/20/2005, 5:01 PM
You know what Cakewalk product that truly excites me? Project 5 v2. Oh my Gosh!!! It's like everything I've been asking Acid to be....and it's on Version 2.0!!!! I'll be trying out the demos of P5 once they're available, and also Sonar4. To me Sony forgot the entire intent of a lot of users, and that's to create music with as much ease and flexibility as possible. Maybe, I can use that Media Manager in Acid to manage all those music media files I'll be creating in Project 5.
randygo wrote on 4/20/2005, 5:13 PM

Project 5v2 looks pretty interesting.

I'm wondering how flexible the track view is with respect to overlapping events, crossfades, automation curves, etc.

I know Acid seems to be forever locked into the "one loop per track" mentality. As long as this holds we will never see a Vegas style audio track in Acid.

Perhaps this will be another viable alternative for us audio guys. I'll definitely be all over the demo when it is available. It looks like they may have copped a few good ideas from Ableton Live as well. Good lord, between Ableton and Cakewalk Sony is going to have their audio lunch eaten if they do not soon get on the ball.


Rednroll wrote on 4/20/2005, 5:20 PM
Well, I asked that same question regarding the audio functionality on Cakewalk's forum. The thing is, I'm not too concerned, because you can at least rewire it to the DAW of your choice,......well besides Vegas, but that doesn't fall into the DAW category as we've been told.
randygo wrote on 4/20/2005, 5:35 PM

What I find laughable is that one can't rewire Acid to Vegas!

It's completely insane.
tmrpro wrote on 4/20/2005, 7:34 PM
Last hope for audio is ACID...
Rednroll wrote on 4/20/2005, 7:47 PM
"Last hope for audio is ACID..."

Damn Todd, I knew there would come a day when we'ld agree on something!!!! Let's go have that beer now huh? :-)
Weevil wrote on 4/20/2005, 8:05 PM
Damn Todd, I knew there would come a day when we'ld agree on something!!!! Let's go have that beer now huh?

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Weevil collapses in astonishment.]

See how f@#$%d up things are getting round here.

The whole basis of this forum is starting to break down.
tmrpro wrote on 4/21/2005, 6:21 AM
"Last hope for audio is ACID..."

Anytime ...I'd really like that Brian...

tmrpro wrote on 4/21/2005, 6:23 AM
Damn Todd, I knew there would come a day when we'ld agree on something!!!! Let's go have that beer now huh?

All flame wars are over ... we unite to save audio!!!
