
Chienworks wrote on 4/19/2005, 6:14 PM
Well, i'm all for it in principal. Audio was my main bag for 30-some years. Sadly, i'm now about 85% deaf. So, i can still wire up the equipment, press the record button, slice up & normalize tracks ... but get any fancier than that and i've gotta get someone else to listen for me.

Count me in in spirit anyway.
Nat wrote on 4/19/2005, 8:21 PM
I'm with you also
Rednroll wrote on 4/19/2005, 8:38 PM
I did find this post a bit interesting over on the Video forum.

It's basically some of the video users requesting the ability to import Acid projects as a nested project within Vegas. You think we need to tell them that Vegas would need to be more musical for that to happen and that's not what Vegas is about because it has a static linear timeline and would require tempo mapping features? Or do you think we should tell them if Vegas had rewire host support, then you could get what you're looking for also? Or should we tell them, "Vegas is what it is, it never stands still"? Whatever the answer is, I sure would like to see someone from Sony reply to that one.

Wow, Video users want to somehow combine Acid and Vegas in their workflow. I wonder where we've heard that before? Oh, and they also would like it as a simple update to v6.0. Yeah, we wanted that as a simple update since v3.0.
wakiyan wrote on 4/20/2005, 10:20 AM
I support your efforts and after reading this .
I see that you guys have legit gripes of having an app. swiped out from under you. I see then SF that the app. Vegas pro was created for you audio guys and I do think that you can get alot of video guys to see the Rewire benefits.

PipelineAudio wrote on 4/20/2005, 10:38 AM
dont some video guys require the ability to score to their videos?

all on the same app would be mighty tasty!
Ben  wrote on 4/20/2005, 10:39 AM
Well exactly, and clearly Sony were hinting at this with the inclusion of ACID loop features in the last version.
James Young wrote on 4/20/2005, 11:51 AM
I was wondering... How many Vegas Audio users do you think actually participate in this forum? What percentage? Could it be 90%, 50%, 5%, 1%? How many Video users participate in that forum? More perhaps?

Maybe this doesn't matter as much, but don't most companies keep a record of satisfied customers? And how do they do so? Is the Audio forum so small because there is that many users compared to the Video side, or because the Video side has alot more amataur users asking for help, or because most of the audio users are just fine with the product? Don't say "How can ANYONE be fine with the product?" I'm just always wondering what kind of impact any of this talk really does.
drbam wrote on 4/20/2005, 2:10 PM
"I'm just always wondering what kind of impact any of this talk really does."

Other than a bit of venting release for the posters, evidently there's little, if any, impact at all. Not a single Sony rep has responded to any of this. Of course, I don't really blame them as I myself would be staying completely away from this forum if I were one of them. Maybe they're hanging their heads in shame, but that's doubtful.

Dave Schmoldt wrote on 4/21/2005, 9:30 PM
>>>Is the Audio forum so small because there is that many users compared to the Video side, or because the Video side has alot more amataur users asking for help, or because most of the audio users are just fine with the product? Don't say "How can ANYONE be fine with the product?" I'm just always wondering what kind of impact any of this talk really does.

My take on the audio forum here:

Longtime Vegas audio-only user, since at least V2. Love it. Whenever I look at demos of other products such as Sonar or Audition, I realize how smooth Vegas is for audio use compared to them.

Just did the upgrade offer to V6, even though it looked pretty light on the audio "What's new" features. I noticed there were Sony forums relating to Vegas, and so this is my first visit.

It'll probably also be my last. Literally every message thread I've seen so far has been bitching by a small group about how neglected they feel as Vegas 6 audio users. And how they'll teach Sony a lesson by going to Brand XYZ, if Brand XYZ only adds a few new features to make it more like Vegas. On the first screen of topics, the horse has been beaten, killed, and is still being beaten.

If that's the attitude here, I can do without the forums. And if I were a Sony employee, I would avoid these audio forums like the plague.

Take care,

Spheris wrote on 4/21/2005, 10:13 PM
By all means Dave, and do not let the door hit you as you go.

The board is for consumer feedback and feedback turns a little shrill when you abuse equipment (and longtime users)

Stick around or not. Makes no difference if you are not concerned with that particular part of the apps functionality. We are. And we will surely see you back as soon as something important to you is either broken or hopelessly lost in "feature shuffle"

Take good care
Rednroll wrote on 4/22/2005, 5:48 AM
Well, I'm Sorry Dave felt that way. I think the attitude in this forum is a pretty good reflection on the product. I have to say, I've been visiting the Project 5 forum lately over at Cakewalk, and they just released v2.0 yesterday. Looking at those forums and their reactions compared to ours is a night and day difference. The difference is in the product, where the features that where added made their users excited about the product. I don't see too many happy users in the video forum and none in the audio forum. You think that should tell you something more about the product than the people using it? The funny thing is that the only thing users where a little displeased about was that P5 didn't get the midi out features some had been asking for. A cake representative replied to some of the post and stated, "well it looks like midi out just moved to the top of my tudo list." Wow!!! imagine that if we got that kind of response where the users complaints was addressed with some positive feedback, so that the users actually walked away with the feeling that their number 1 complaint was heard and the feeling that you will see it some day. Wow how about that you walk away with a feeling of satisfaction and hope, instead of the frustration and dispair that you do here.

I don't see the Sony media software division hanging on all that long with Sony corporate if that division doesn't start working on it's customer relations a little harder. Basically what happens in a large corporation is that the VPs and execs meet on a quarterly basis and start looking at each dvisions financial statements. If a particular division is in the green and they meeting their targeted goals, that VP gets a pat on the back. If a division is in the red then that VP gets the floor and explains, this is what we're doing and this is our plan. If that division is continously in the red and continously not meeting their target than corporate looks for strategies as to how they can spread that divisions technology to the other divisions, to assist in making that division in the red an asset instead of a deficit. Thus, you would see more packing of Sony Vaio laptops with the Sony media software and thngs of this nature. If that doesn't help turn a deficit into an asset,then you may see Sony corporate getting rid of of it's deficits.