Missing Files

Maxter wrote on 2/28/2005, 10:19 PM
what does the path:



is something I have never seen but J is one of my removable harddrives.

Bottomline, I edited some video in VV, that was on an external hard drive, came back a couple days later and half of the clips I had in my timeline are now "missing" and have that type of extension/path,


johnmeyer wrote on 2/28/2005, 10:23 PM
Either you, or some application, deleted the files and in the process they ended up in the trash (the "recycler," in Windows parlance).
nickle wrote on 2/28/2005, 10:25 PM
That is the recycle bin on your j: drive. Something deleted them but you can double click the recycle bin and get them back.
JHendrix wrote on 3/1/2005, 1:28 PM
can a disk with no os have a recycle bin?

assuming i didnt accidentaally deleate the filescould it happen another way?

Im really leary of these Lacie big disks cause I have had many issues with them and read tons of horror stories on the web.

before I put my new project on these I need to be sure they are not going to be doing strange things to files. (never had things like this or other weird drive issues happen with my western digitals
Flack wrote on 3/1/2005, 2:48 PM
<can a disk with no os have a recycle bin? >

Yes if it has been set to be monitered, like the post above suggests double click on the icon and you should be able to retrive it.

But if not I can highly recommend GetData Back for NTFS I have used this on many occassions to get files back.

JHendrix wrote on 3/6/2005, 1:23 PM
thanks but I dont see ant recycle bin on my external drives, am I missing something?