MPEG2/AC3 Players

MarcS wrote on 1/5/2005, 2:37 PM
I keep copies of my final MPEG2 and AC3 renders on an external hard drive. Is there any software player that allows me to play the two separate streams together for the purposes of watching them on my montior? I know that my Windows Media Player can't handle the two streams simultaneously nor can my Roxio DVD Max player.

It would be nice to be able to be able to click the streams and watch them, without having to resort to using the DVD.




B.Verlik wrote on 1/5/2005, 2:46 PM
Vegas DVDA can play them.
rs170a wrote on 1/5/2005, 3:31 PM
I've had good luck with Media Player Classic.

B_JM wrote on 1/5/2005, 4:58 PM
vegas can not play ac3 files ...

Media Player Classic (as mentioned) will play both the ac3 and mpeg files together if they are named the same (or nearly the same even) and in the same directory ..

you can not warrenty sync this method though (though ussually very close to right on)
Laurence wrote on 1/5/2005, 7:49 PM
"Mpeg VCR" which you can buy at will let you "mux" separate audio and video source files into a single mpeg extension file. You can then use this combined mpeg video/AC3 audio file as both your video and audio source in DVDA to author a DVD. You can also go the other way if you want to separate the AC3 audio from an mpeg file off a DVD without any rerendering. If you buy the excellent "Mpeg Edit" software (which I use for re-editing DVDs without re-rendering the whole thing), Mpeg VCR comes free as part of the package. I highly recommend it as nothing else does exactly what this software does.

Another option is to include an Mpeg 2 audio track to your video renders. Often I render an AC3 audio track and a Mpeg2 video track with mpeg audio. I ignore the combined audio track when I author DVD's but it is nice to have embedded audio when you play the video track directly. Also, it makes future re-edits with Vegas much easier.
B.Verlik wrote on 1/5/2005, 7:56 PM
I said, VEGAS DVDA. And my Vegas DVD A 1.0 does play my mpg2 video with AC3. I Don't need anything else.