
p@mast3rs wrote on 12/24/2004, 12:20 PM
Color curves works well for me with this type of issue.
GaryKleiner wrote on 12/24/2004, 12:24 PM
Once the detail is blown out, there is very little you can do to correct for overexposure. The information is just not there.

BillyBoy wrote on 12/24/2004, 2:08 PM
Everything depends on HOW MUCH your source material is too bright or dark. If just light to moderate its easy to correct in Vegas with color corrector and color curves. If too far gone, its too far gone and nothing will bring it back.

Learn how to use scopes, with these FX filters at my new Flash site.

I would probably start with gamma and gain while watching on an external monitor and taking your eyes back to the scopes on you computer monitor.

Under the Color Correction tab, pick the second tutorial thumbnail, then page #4 to see how easy it is to correct a really screwed up image that's way too red. Similar improvements can be made using the methods covered IF things aren't too faded or blown out.
bolt wrote on 12/30/2004, 4:03 AM
Thanks. I've managed to salvage some color and you can make out what is happening.
