What Do You think Of My Demo?

dholt wrote on 12/22/2004, 8:42 AM
I've got 1 1/2 years of exp and this demo is a sample of what I've done the last 8 months which includes 3 music videos and some live shows. The only programs used on anything in the demo were Vegas 4.0 and ParticleIllusion. I did everything myself with no help and no $ (local bands are always broke).
I also used Acid to put together the music for the demo.

Thanks for you opinions and suggestions, I really appreciate the support both positive and negative.



randy-stewart wrote on 12/22/2004, 8:52 AM
Loved the edit style. Looks professional, ready for MTV. Impressive creativity. Music sounds killer. Very nice work!
Grazie wrote on 12/22/2004, 8:59 AM
Please can I have 2% of your energy? Please? You've got talent "dripping" from every fibre - you've squeezed them IT chips till their eyes run and scream! - Your creativity with ACID is boundless . . .

Outstanding work - really shows what you can do for a particualr market! Excellent! - MOREPLEASE . ..

Sorry to dissappoint you, but no negatives . . . Gonna set you a task. Now try something quiet and . .. er . . . threatening . . .

nocturnal_f wrote on 12/22/2004, 9:15 AM
son of a! that was MTV quality stuff. great job. actually excellent job dude.

i have been using vegas for 8 months now but i still can't do half the shit and edits u do

how long did that cool video take?
MarcS wrote on 12/22/2004, 9:27 AM
Nice work...I agree. I liked how you incorporated Particle Illusion effects.

BTW, can you recommend the best way to import the avi files into Particle Illusion and back again into Vegas. I know some people recommend TGA sequences, but I'm still not certain how to do this efficiently.

- Marc
dholt wrote on 12/22/2004, 9:33 AM
WOW! Thanks
I put the video together last weekend so it took most of Saturday and part of Sunday. I had to re-create a bunch of the effects so it took awhile.
I appreciate the comments, I really didn't think it was very good. My wife just kept telling me to hang in there and reminded me how I did everything myself and with no $, unlike MTV videos, which have a HUGE staff and budgets.

Marc, I don't know if this is right but I rendor a picture or stills as an uncompressed avi file in Vegas and then render back into Vegas as an uncompressed avi. I also make sure to make the avi in PI is lower field first so it matches up with the video. Hope this helps.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 12/22/2004, 9:34 AM
I'm not finished D-Loading it yet (dial up is a drag - especially when you have high speed at other locations), but it looks great.

The only issue I have is that it feels very disjointed (or something like it). When I watch it, it's full of incredibly stimulating effects and very visually powerfull images (I noticed a lot of stills and not a lot of video, were there effects applied to the stills before vegas and particle? IE. PS or something along those lines). Now I have a tendancy to like things to flow (call me old fashioned) but I have trouble enjoying something that doesn't seem like it's going somewhere or has a major theme (and I may know so little that this does and I'm just too inept to see it/know it). As a demo of the kind of artistic talent that you have, this is "money". <-- and lots of it too :) As a demo of direction in terms of taking all this EXCELLENT work (and I do mean excellent) and making it all work twards the same end, I think that it feels (like I said earlier) a little disjointed. All that being said, can I have your talent? I would really really really like it.

I would also be curious to know how many hours you put into cutting that, and what kind of equip. you use.

boomhower wrote on 12/22/2004, 9:43 AM
Very nice....I'm always curious to see what type of camera was used on different projects....what did you use?
p@mast3rs wrote on 12/22/2004, 9:47 AM
Not my taste in music but altogether, an excellent reel. Some very nice effects and excellent use of stills. Take great pride in what you have accomplished. Working on little to no budget is tough but you made it fly. The important thing is you gained invaluable experience and have an excellent goundwork to continue to build upon.

Kudos to you and much success on your next endeavor.
dholt wrote on 12/22/2004, 10:12 AM
Sony VX2000 and Sony DCR 950 are the cameras I use.
Everything was also enhanced using Red Bullet software.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 12/22/2004, 11:08 AM
Ok, so I think I need to revise my prior statement to say that I did see where it went, but that it's maybe a little cluttered feeling, like there's just too much stuff that doesn't make sense to me quite why it's in there, and at the same time I can kind of see why it's in there. Anyway, I really do like it quite a lot. You are very talented, (makes my work look second rate).
FrankLP wrote on 12/22/2004, 12:09 PM
Great "resume" of your ability. Very trendy/commercial techniques/applications. A+

Now for the critical part...I didn't feel as though there was much cohesiveness to the entire piece...but this movie trailer style (The Ring; The Grudge, etc) is typically meant to create interest verses telling the actual story.

Overall I enjoyed the effects and imagery.
groovedude wrote on 12/22/2004, 6:02 PM
Stick with the high energy shots, some of the footage you hang on for longer durations in the begining is slow, low energy stuff, which doesn't fit the high impact you seem to be striving for. I get the "Divine Light" and the fitting yellow/orange shots of people looking up to shinning light, however, I'd kill off that part except the cockpit scene. Reason being, the acting wasn't strong and the "narrative" seems inconsistant with the band footage, sell your editing and shooting abilities. I'd up the tempo of the music get people tapping to the beat.
Stonefield wrote on 12/22/2004, 7:54 PM
Very well done. Very up to the minute style of editing and hardcore in your face presentation. Very slick.
cervama wrote on 12/23/2004, 8:34 AM
Awesome piece of work, I wish I had your talent, that was better than some of the mtv stuff they come up with. Keep up the awsome work. Where you located? We can sure use your expertise.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 12/23/2004, 9:39 AM
It was well done for what it is, but it seemed to run a bit long, in my opinion.

Lili wrote on 12/24/2004, 7:44 AM
I was able to view the video, but for some reason (???) could not hear the audio track. I mix with ACID too and was particularly interested in hearing the audio, especially with all the rave reviews the forum gave you.

Interesting visuals - looks like a LOT of work went into it.!
dholt wrote on 12/26/2004, 8:22 AM
If you still can't hear the audio send me an email from the site with your address and I'll send you a copy of the demo on DVD. Do you have the latest version of Quicktime?
Lili wrote on 12/26/2004, 10:27 AM
Did the Quicktime update and now have the audio. If this is your first project like this, I can only imagine what comes in the future!
mvpvideos2007 wrote on 12/26/2004, 6:17 PM
Very cool and creative!!! Your a talented person that may go somewhere:) Keep up the great work!!!!
rmack350 wrote on 12/27/2004, 10:35 AM
2 cents:

The energy is good and there are a lot of looks in there that rock bands would like. That seems like the audience. Defintely cull through and cut out anything that is even remotely questionable. If you rate the shots from one to ten, cut out the eights and below. Consider cutting out the nines as well. Get rid of what looks "no budget" and stop talking about how you shot it for nothing. You want to get paid, don't encourage that stuff.

It's a sampler of shots and there are lots of uses for that in music vids and advertising. Create a second reel for dramatic narrative work if you feel like you've got something to show.

On the stills, the big question is whether they're all yours or are some of them stock. If there's stock in there then it might be a bit deceiving not to make that clear-maybe put all the work with stock stuff into one area, maybe it's a second reel. You can organize these things into a DVD and allow the viewer to see all of it or just the narrative, stock, and eye candy sections.

It all looks really great!

Rob Mack
Sullivan wrote on 12/27/2004, 3:55 PM
Great stuff!

How did you do the silhouettes? There are several places where we see figures, and once a drummer with his whole kit, in black against a plain colored background.

Were they shot this way, with strong backlight, or did you do this in post somehow?